Some weeks ago, Nicolas Dandrimont proposed a GR for declassifying debian-private[1]. In the course of the following discussion, he accepted[2] Don Armstrong's amendment[3], which intended to clarify the meaning and implementation regarding the work of our delegates and the powers of the DPL, and recognizing the historical value that could lie within said list.
[1] [2] [3] In the process of the discussion, several people objected to the amended wording, particularly to the fact that "sufficient time and opportunity" might not be sufficiently bound and defined. I am, as some of its initial seconders, a strong believer in Nicolas' original proposal; repealing a GR that was never implemented in the slightest way basically means the Debian project should stop lying, both to itself and to the whole free software community within which it exists, about something that would be nice but is effectively not implementable. While Don's proposal is a good contribution, given that in the aforementioned GR "Further Discussion" won 134 votes against 118, I hereby propose the following General Resolution: === BEGIN GR TEXT === Title: Acknowledge that the debian-private list will remain private. 1. The 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of debian-private list archives" is repealed. 2. In keeping with paragraph 3 of the Debian Social Contract, Debian Developers are strongly encouraged to use the debian-private mailing list only for discussions that should not be disclosed. === END GR TEXT === Thanks for your consideration, -- Gunnar Wolf (with thanks to Nicolas for writing the entirety of the GR text ;-) )
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