Hi, This is the first call for vote on the General Resolution about declassifying debian-private.
Voting period starts 2016-08-07 00:00:00 UTC Votes must be received by 2016-08-20 23:59:59 UTC The following ballot is for voting on declassifying parts of -private of historical interest. This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions or problems contact secret...@debian.org. The details of the general resolution can be found at: https://www.debian.org/vote/2016/vote_002 Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of the vote by sending a signed mail to bal...@vote.debian.org with the subject "gr_private". To vote you need to be a Debian Developer. BALLOT OPTIONS Choice 1: Allow declassifying parts of debian-private ===================================================== Title: Declassifying parts of -private of historical interest 1. The 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of debian-private list archives" is repealed. 2. Debian listmasters and/or other individuals delegated by the DPL to do so are authorized to declassify excerpts of -private of historical interest by any process which at minimum provides sufficient time and opportunity for Debian Developers to object by GR prior to declassification. 3. In keeping with paragraph 3 of the Debian Social Contract, Debian Developers are strongly encouraged to use the debian-private mailing list only for discussions that should not be disclosed. Choice 2: Further Discussion ============================ This is the default option. Rank this option higher than the unacceptable choices. HOW TO VOTE To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is: gr_priv...@vote.debian.org The form you need to fill out is contained at the bottom of this message, marked with two lines containing the characters '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not change the choice names. There are 2 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between 1 and 2. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 2. You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. To vote "no, no matter what", rank "Further Discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "Further Discussion" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the "Further Discussion" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the "Further Discussion" choice by the voting software). Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: gr_priv...@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME. VOTING SECRECY This is a non-secret vote. After the voting period is over the details on who voted what will be published. During the vote itself the only information that will be published is who voted. You can encrypt your message to the voting system to keep your vote secret until the end of the voting period. The software will also try to keep your vote secret and will encrypt the reply it sends to you. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4896c7a8-1d45-49db-ba5e-490da5ed275c [ ] Choice 1: Allow declassifying parts of debian-private [ ] Choice 2: Further Discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 mQINBFemYwgBEACracEiHshdIw6HtGX3tiAqcKMxUDZIh0VN8EUaoXqogrfIXPuZ TKpuJmgM8ClAX8SBjdZ2FV9urBVAo1l+McLCtqbPyHLStgpk4pW+lq0LIPh3cVmw /0IyDyAHH+G4yvQkQITcWPI9Ndw5Z/eno8IZdEUZtPM4hFrLu+W05hOxADimT7Zy qjFxNJYQD4tLoRysMjEp4igEZqU738q48GraKHwNa02zw2pt3ji3pU5odzlyfoXT ykujbgQNq5tx6M3BNf9atf/yxJvcrUlPILlYYwgN9okskV7mUfW/O5kNh51+2FxU d3FhsnyktA/S/foIOMRI2lFpIR7D33+XOTLSnf+eetHeSEglzqHQaR+FemuQM88S wqW6Y7nElzBadGWWogeGEQt+6DXVNoWk8T7uuKMA+jJCxlPWCMC42wzC6xPnOPpJ 3p377LU6HupCWBFx+UQcia4I+ffXOrrg3frpVY3RBBAnj9YgstEckR2NbWimhDR+ mUNnlPDA4iSmnN4cq++I8CpbLN70+V7sYL+7d2aUXK+gDrLxdpNzm8HMCHrcYFNA t/YyE44fwAdL91yJSeKqtjJbbgGV8QQ/QxjmE8JHK4nSBHPufrn41WC/gavGOHnI G/lC1iCG8nSefd+9DSXl979o56ED+YSymuWdKe16tdEFLEfXOKFeq3L+mQARAQAB tC5HUiBkZWJpYW4tcHJpdmF0ZSA8Z3JfcHJpdmF0ZUB2b3RlLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc+ iQI+BBMBAgAoBQJXpmMIAhsDBQkAFRgABgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIX gAAKCRD2D3DMdm/e4t3SD/9ze8Kxl3jOQRTlD4YjP9x3v4AMgofca7tgj/T0cKX9 VUQqEL2PKJNz4kbo7Wq2Z6X6ajEqWncYp5IyQrIT2mKYMm+FldGEk+cKmVskXl4s FonR34rjg1TzpaBEfiCUj2SvNoLO2cz+C6f1UjqCmbBKGmTMfUuhEEQXejToVzBL AviKbQmleUP2/iavR4OxQuuj5DXaSud0iLirJXhKaLiT5BMtcRuqg7S5PujzuAaj YufIdlyLZAXhMQ1kFCWu7ncT6qlNVV7EwbEqiI1vRPhxt8P81e3t20//BfHvV+Si qKBdBUf7aa1aIhTBZSkwlDr6M8VvyRPpxYzSGyoVKEOvMUBNf53JjWpjhYeXJY8r Oebzm44v4+r9TYyfT2SKM6dqEgkivBJdbT/QfKtDyxeTEJJQXXkEIPxqqLXjFH6E 1p3YqYWPt42ychZ5+Am3SAuqwIS8xzfON7vgMyYI5WBxfJ6Cioj0Qqzqba8Qta4A 2JRllBt3oas8kHg88VuH+7tmYrD1tsRj5HrKZocdapnUMnWLlGH9T7OYnwl9nbWN JuSTg3su21zgqyQu3fLRqpcfNIhaaXo3NWurkEP3aipL5j86nkFf3+iTTPWn6Icd v0xlfcbwhF7jDFXkidJL87SOt78ykD/Xa8krKhn3Y21KQIlmzkWhHMIXLzWWsefN MokCHAQQAQoABgUCV6ZjRgAKCRAgZMU2QcJeXXk0D/41cRZnIv2NiW/2njzWTVuN m+gtAP30LzwiYSMe3jzZ0OCEBMpzYPZJa8k1qKH4+4OCL7t668sXOOStvjO1Q4SP FuQiFcbas+GrHBQI8tulKEEbxSELdBqkiMuYigDklEMKL30vgRqaK/69u8LIsohQ aDUgUE/DJ344D6DjsWapDRU/4wUZUgXwTYQL2+T2jr6usY/CaZynSQAPaBQogXvL GtJb+20bmnyb9UYBMDetjB/tZP2S4DL84pqMRJ6RotNBA+TQh6CQVj9ImPL6hMXk 4gsAJrMf850NNIlIk2CvHeVbgfkl3WQDweLpjXEi3TkKCvvdphJfQbiKQRwi5zKG RiPq+q6IOwLTh5c5aqNtrWLOCfrvZqv/bczx6osDp5MXpjecFkGFKPKn12ze8VFj jKJm1RvAbXUe6HEiWrMEEqbvlg8T6+swhF73cGDGBRDT10gszUrw2Exz2pACKOLV 3CVXuUwI17pAGinPlNaYpFzc9QI0DxbH1JFR5OPY3DdNSMgi0wZJSnoMbTvLJClz GOfF1ZALq8eDvujpSU+ggmPzgJ3HREEDB/RJd46+Sinjw20kSePA+CIFxekjuvIM 5dj/mAcxP1TweZxifa8Ke6MHMjQObYldreP7PVuQhoxhp2lCspey5AWScX1DPc5v M+o663YrpAf5azD3rLNaNbkCDQRXpmMIARAA1D3FpqpPRTYhp/YEVINPOBQG6BMv BbWS0hXZgNnnihuFWwvBLJcNK4Wo4ZhnK/e/AP2/fUgneLhcwhetA+0P3Y7TiakQ Ff+89KgwuuPr6uojnHIpTW4/Nyw3cQZjCDZqZqeJGCVD0krPqiu4Tpj+urxXe8vC uck/pFgnld48zjMXbYP4CATxHyqOEWzjUMDCh9z5kVAUxHaV2lx1L5DYJCQsf3IO lEYkBlaD7q0wZqqkOy7KvBGU3eW9/zqiQSi0ZY3T3yAYbIBPfimQqYFHnlH/thUU 8C176JhwhsPu8E2VZeO+JEXL4ApoCPS1OBpA1hU8MeA+8Nvyk3YGaJTrTGlEXnTX 8J+f30S1hww2DBwX3o4BgmhcL+H0IHzpJ45uX9rME3bZthvggHPicmhVzOiU1XaI gxShaU6g904XLBSln8NZSDJnuS5o0OVqu9hdfky5eXfG2UwVxPTsvTE6MuBomp78 KIznK6AuiIkGGXmlguRvlIeYeTpYZq8pjBmoSZJCG7t8CcI4WgZk1xT1gimSyMnQ lqiwcp4Ac37i0YKZulnRbrmciBR9wo5dy0YDNy8jePtA1u0jcSF1gqU1RLzLI9SC UhZTUkafe7e93Wuu9TZ2fd6fRozVqrgKbdkzogbJJ+9weZsAbuCeyG/YYC0DAO1q WjMEpNNq0cTEGKcAEQEAAYkCJQQYAQIADwUCV6ZjCAIbDAUJABUYAAAKCRD2D3DM dm/e4hI7D/95Zrtw2+viRat6fQFY7bA0HVJqggmoK7Tsk4x3gHQiMPbMZq5hhfKn JAR1gRhnOy1E609m4IEAaOy3XdheCOCIM3MRTH1JKG2M9INsFest4M/CLovqx9ca tAigZLvAZINny+fgXdLW37fBC/JDrIZSRsSAKBLyiJUMRfSiifX6T0c4SozVLnpQ E3SoiLIdEp59xgy/P+9jcocvxRCo3vygJRr16EtTPkeB4QOpgHr4ckj4i/eQdEZT EidLzYgUaMcx+ad8fHM/5GOkkp1QPFaisz2s/JMUpmecmu2Dkz0RzKBkGfR53PRG 6fiwcrWDe+fcoTbdLNFogWXVfw9dSamxagvsCnfDhRSrHxVZ7R3gclkeQqXuMLf7 YciUkWxuWAi0i/0BhyeLpr5swTPS/LMhl3YVhdNuoUVFfydxlg17Y65zObe2MDyl hksNfxEbUrC7DB1Zx1lmz1tUQW3WcavvPIix1Ph8XmOb/Tn2toprB0F+dW7WkYGS 13uuhitpsyqLB9U7A7bZ5FholqsOloxKSHoEuUr4/TxMig1d8RgXfTiO8AX3HKPE b5Z7wXJLz05UBqIkcOsfM+pgNlRuM6eS3L4i71kVg3BfIxZ8V8eeVA8PnzzHh90I FBiHEfvzLZi9QoxbFlpm3sLLjXMs5NH6Yq7YMt3GXDCJ/5bFI5X92w== =O/Xo -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Description: PGP signature