* Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org>, 2015-09-04, 14:28:

  Constitutional Amendment: TC Supermajority Fix

  Prior to the Clone Proof SSD GR in June 2003, the Technical
  Committee could overrule a Developer with a supermajority of 3:1.

  Unfortunately, the definition of supermajorities in the SSD GR has a
  off-by-one  error.  In the new text a supermajority requirement is met
  only if the ratio of votes in favour to votes against is strictly
  greater than the supermajority ratio.

  In the context of the Technical Committee voting to overrule a
  developer that means that it takes 4 votes to overcome a single
  dissenter.  And with a maximum committee size of 8, previously two
  dissenters could be outvoted by all 6 remaining members; now that
  is no longer possible.

  This change was unintentional, was contrary to the original intent
  of the Constitution, and is unhelpful.

  For the avoidance of any doubt, this change does not affect any
  votes (whether General Resolutions or votes in the Technical
  Committee) in progress at the time the change is made.

  Therefore, amend the Debian Constitution as follows:

Index: doc/constitution.wml
--- doc/constitution.wml        (revision 10982)
+++ doc/constitution.wml        (working copy)
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
                  An option A defeats the default option D by a majority
-                  ratio N, if V(A,D) is strictly greater than N * V(D,A).
+                  ratio N, if V(A,D) is greater or equal to  N * V(D,A) and 
V(A,D) is strictly greater than V(D,A).
                  If a supermajority of S:1 is required for A, its majority 

  Constitutional Amendment: Fix duplicate section numbering.

  The current Debian Constitution has two sections numbered A.1.
  This does not currently give rise to any ambiguity but it is

  Fix this with the following semantically neutral amendment:

   - Renumber the first section A.1 to A.0.



Jakub Wilk

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