Dear about-to-be-DPL, I know discussion period is over but Lucas encouraged me to post this now, so blame him.
We've had a discussion over on -project about the revival of the Debian Partners Programme, which I hijacked into meta-level. tl;dr would be: while I am interested and want to work on this, I would only do so with enough "rope", which I call "entrepreneurial freedom". The thread is here: and I am particularly interested in how you would respond as DPL to my last two messages (Lucas reply included in the middle for completeness): PS: In this context, let me quickly also highlight my response to Paul Wise, who doesn't want Debian to turn into an "advertising agency": I am fully aware that this is a contentious topic and the only way the project would succeed is if people can identify with it. There must not be any "sell-out" and we must not acquire more money than we can reasonably use towards the improvement of Debian. -- .''`. martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft : :' : proud Debian developer `. `'` `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems "when a gentoo admin tells me that the KISS principle is good for 'busy sysadmins', and that it's not an evolutionary step backwards, i wonder whether their tape is already running backwards."
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