Hi, This is the ballot as it is currently.
Voting period starts 00:00:00 UTC on Thursday, November 18th, 2014 Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on Wednesday, December 31th, 2014 The following ballot is for voting on limiting the term of the technical committee members. This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions or problems contact secret...@debian.org. The details of the general resolution can be found at: http://www.debian.org/vote/2014/vote_004 Both proposals aim at creating a regular turn-over of Technical Committee members, by enforcing a term limit of about four years. The proposals differ in the way they react to resignations or removals of TC members for reasons other than term limit. - 'Option 1' chooses to leave regular term limits unaffected by resignation/removals, which could result in more than 2 TC members leaving the TC during the same year, in such events. - 'Option 2' chooses to subtract the number of resignations/removals from the required number of expiries, which could result in some TC members exceeding the term limit, in such events. NOTE: this is a very short summary of each option. Voters are strongly encouraged to read the full options at the URL above. Both options modify the constitution and so require a 3:1 majority. Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of the vote by sending a signed mail to bal...@vote.debian.org with the subject "gr_ctteterm". To vote you need to be a Debian Developer. HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the platform. To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below. The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is: gr_cttet...@vote.debian.org The form you need to fill out is contained at the bottom of this message, marked with two lines containing the characters '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not change the choice names. There are 3 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between 1 and 3. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 3. You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. To vote "no, no matter what", rank "Further Discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "Further Discussion" choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the "Further Discussion" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the "Further Discussion" choice by the voting software). Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: gr_cttet...@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed, encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption. The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- e456eb8f-2bd7-4fc7-8ef5-e6526587e198 [ ] Choice 1: Option 1 [ ] Choice 2: Option 2 [ ] Choice 3: Further Discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 mQINBFSR2H0BEADDo/Dek/mJEQfCk2NxCLsrUwdLHTmtnElLwNu7xA8pK+/A3xQM Dh8jFMpCBvW9RJYWHl4oWUaJPcR04Z5EdYJeSl/e7PgOe168nWBO8Fbpv2+wSY2m pwFqFRrrxfH2wdDeHR0hrkrk97k+wckN/z5nA88VhqRnuE1rOkVvW1DgzP4EHPrs Gc2O0JRUGnY7PVurgYGTJ4pudPH3Ge+uQBdXrrPRs6jUL+0L+2TjRR6MH2RUF/AN uTiz8/zf6/96QpDOVBf+yLGN2Cc2/OALqfcBEWXKt+aqWAmadeKCTphH14wD1wTX g94/YYpkadCMMrDGFJTwDr49u9L0QMQkh0BUDLhM+b9M6B3TjLdjGjY1Gypl3rWB rj/TY484VqwSCzaestpcUldaljiWHII5cpJEVBpxNqzphuYr4/7kPz4rZ8qn8lgC klVb/h63Tp07rfFf8JXSm037OmrQA9sHmPKjWkmQE8nUKz3Qfirbm02+gsnehsd1 pSspvta/4zCpV4xFlOMOCcpMrGr4eGZKMQU2dUMcdwkpf5FrYeLllBGDD2Uw2Vuv x+3pehBe5ces5SytdFNBIcm+5hNlL5R12+wA4Gl0dsVwlWVYfNnyO/4T6JSXef7B M/oiCfHvA51I3CcHJOCuEB+ZRG0JBAndwHMS3F9keLPjtH4ZGNACwMiSUwARAQAB tCpHUiBDVFRFIHRlcm0gPGdyX2N0dGV0ZXJtQHZvdGUuZGViaWFuLm9yZz6JAj4E EwECACgFAlSR2H0CGwMFCQAaXgAGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJ EADO7Mn3w/i/8lMP/1hcOIURV3HJgHYwcB4AoDCwwPPJ+qWaOXSvUVGL9biB4jeR xSafEl1FIyCOpY/Vc2/5Oldhb6nC8/5K6t1pz07UFY34D6/+8F/rXxtkIxN+LKE2 TpzGcYzxHJzzp5k6zg4HN0/KRJseD31oUlUkBFhgGq9s3N4nGY46Psj2wpkfSa4T wfeTc6HNWmC00VzGr3jvziJvmEBuSYZlgmEnsuOWg6Lvf3oELBZNrGc9pCG2152R g1mxz6ojF2rHmLGMPD/7WJKfQDe2vsm6rP/Yd+kyW1Mn5oboQwGTLJplGh6G3zE6 xPQG5ta8oryzmz7TlLD7rYh2X1SrFXlSadsHvzujNkO6AWTfwjfOPin9YOYcza4e cizNSYhiPPBbMVAzzP+OQaCwskpe/JC3mSJ0fKbfhu+FqAfrxy1x2JrTwDgr3n/g q2UlIRMmM5tASod3wNMphRhgqF66LI5lAw2BMYYZVQgbIrh2Q31nYKq6bCC3Zxcj AyWOL8i4XpvLEg/l9oeyouD+b0FzZuLyVDs9cFM35vNGeguuyXub5vk4KYT+ae1q jUKtlTdQaKWQn9dRp+ph0aTMxKxHH0Wu0htI0FQZ/s9MI5zly+YHiS9YIJq2/3en S+Ho2x/v0Fa6CSx1HrOnm1/ktqnUf8rgWuLaNILKt5KTwxqDs05+gN9l6wcliQIc BBABCgAGBQJUkdujAAoJECBkxTZBwl5d/Y4P/A/JGdcjJ4j2Da19Nl96WNj3WRlF 1vX0w5Ar5SMLc7KOVJkaLBrQA024Gq4LQ7qcFqcx7R+QMPtcfXRsXas3eB7kD4PU PcVjzt9ROF5n/RWAg9nm87/TcWbFA/+PVAfaNm6EAqNN4+QkDUqdikf7nXXi3auf BPvW5v7Al8X2PCAU3vFaK1qhld8n/2YO4XGRX9w63Oye8TUS0YQoP9XBp+WBw50c iBi70r2NRayU5JHrNT2d/HFYCVik/QECgZxLzM7ZAJykS5TNQUL1EhceY/jCL1wq a88WMdwcwUvOTak40IHfpvuDlT5kutJqONSmECpri3Or4GpPJbyzuCQUE2C7kUAG mSWvT9lSqVQS8P3HTvtBHD35wCyFL1TbgBPil7nPmMoco9GIvj6tO4vtKE+0JTC/ 1hZE5uL173xvCQLNwFbYWBxILZ3+L9Fobhch7yv5p78K4wJsMaVl1YRJcDY8GALe xqn/ZGHeS7gzmMFSKqbl8fr8oar6vVqIGJLslAhwCb51MHtOWkCYXCPUGW915hbP bJRz5t7D/yEIvohWk4UOr0ODXxcaQgA6VSb7JAmgkJZRDXNbyX+8x2fPD0sx1fz7 7g9hEUds4dkYPetn30LfS9MlEbuH1oFB5Jvd0BhiHY8pfT/SwuLn50la9MqSRart fl3YpqlviZBQssxDuQINBFSR2H0BEADRx3l0nioio2557IzPxP+lIM6XyezgdrjN S8LN5Zir5xhgvya4+tbXEjxfq3XitP/5UvPOZW2ipYBcjYtQ2gyZfbmxG/bFmJon M6JwwJUiHUiRM8dY1Dz8wGkNIfBQ447OnulNAYyWd0KHYFmHVzrrRXjL7J9JkMh3 aT0SAPM04+VFZ/WTprqNCKCOrV1M7ysBcn3kTqQ1Y7XtWvlhGuriSrw6jl7+52mP WIjgKbmG+9mrA8iQsrfH/YRjE42zfRKR+J1atzLnr7oa5eTuag9Ae9t8fmTj/a85 TNdcTguN01ucBw/E9thUE3DxI3Zoq7Li/wgN5Eq8kzbgDPK2u4keuRgLiZpOQ/AC ekzfY2KsuePGzBKC2DVpPHua3SC4y3Je01K/szHUTJmjvxE2651eOzra2S0OXU3f GlE0XTk6ynndFaoM94mSCk0D31pW9ANtod0H42LR7WKRJiNDP5p25iad6BJIo35n FFjt0pK7UZaza1yzmQqFzS6JSFZE7urIXaqK+JC0c/r65UuR4dq3enGuJlkcOcDj xR5nr4L0vNdaJAwSKmfuMW+jvJ9PMgJLP88oWem72ioR0KYsKP/0EMsUpzTJE1xd uKD3rR4tY4ntLvhIzmVqAcY/JF3lkOtTPkQS3q+076PEzkuPrlJb0V2g1MPA3F4n sXnLFqFrIQARAQABiQIlBBgBAgAPBQJUkdh9AhsMBQkAGl4AAAoJEADO7Mn3w/i/ XSQP/RVphn7OCJZdOXI0gRUjvjqB1ipraMlogKYyNJmKHH4ixiDxIPq1+6cZoky2 GAt6KyGyKZX8M+SMw0GV8p3ZRHgxf4qR1oXY9TQWnAjVCcQPbVdvqwxKf550geyQ H0lP4pY89N2qvoL2jzkWslRH1+E3CZTONYnkrGboXVEF/eK5iaBkKwpKjvfiQkFG iWWgVoh1JhgxZ0fc5Vbkpx55p2kWdCvY1adC/NVOlGbSCyvCn3nMiFVlCOiR5xaF 17E7MYR+2DPJ9lJocSxCWx5BkxyS0I9G/xQQkvRrn6z9BEDWpOW1DQN3QqENgwdo OTYzLVWzuHnYMKctNve3nohRyf0x3N5Kq4Aeai+CqtnLu6PnIlaBkJWDOYlxyue4 3N83H/33mOfu9DXqg6t7QOsDLUcqe6zO9U6WUQ/Hghg6hvOMn5nZIE+L961yzXi8 c4Eq4rR6fnA7/ExCW0EagNROb6pe8aNfIb4cl+7ghHa4TmcnTd/YFud6asQt/lDY lTFXIEXzjX6wXDhqw1qmm3VSha0DU7GYt6yhhQwrY6RvgmGmSG3GkbqisKZw+1q6 ahecci89Y6jZ+SCZ+Zq2xv0A11cGx433h1Y53Z0U0JdU5S6Co91C9DFIJ2CvMdOF B1JypD1dlSBVm4O2WNYhHW6r8MkL/NnaRF9I0kk1JuSINqdW =lq/V -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-vote-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: https://lists.debian.org/20141217195620.ga31...@roeckx.be