Hi Enrico,

On 28/03/14 at 09:26 +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:
> Hello,
> here's my question to the candidates[1]:
> Please name three teams in Debian:
>  1. a team that works well and in a sustainable way, and how a DPL can
>     bring thankfulness and appreciation;

I think that DSA is a pretty good example. They hold regular meetings and
publish reports, they work on identifying possible new members, they
work on designing processes in order to interact with the rest of the
project in a efficient and reliable way (even if not everybody likes RT,
it's still a good way to track requests and tasks). And they are good
at saying "we don't have the manpower to do that at the moment" when
it's the case, e.g. on providing development infrastructure to Debian
contributors[1] (even if that's discussion was unfortunately more
heated that necessary).

The main way to highlight well-working teams in Debian is through public
communication (e.g. d-d-a reports) of their achievements. Unfortunately,
some teams are not so good at writing such reports. The DPL can help
teams write some of those emails (and that has been the case both during
my term and before).

However, I don't think that the DPL should try to show appreciation to
teams (e.g. in d-d-a bits) for tasks that are completely unrelated to
DPL activities. First, it would conflict with our other communication
means -- DPN is much more suited to such reports. Second, it would feel
like patronizing Debian teams, putting them artificially under the DPL
authority when they should be more independant.

>  2. a team that works well but not in a sustainable way, and how a DPL
>     can help bringing sustainability;
>  3. a team that does not work well, and how a DPL can address the
>     problem.

I don't think that it's a good idea to publicly point to specific teams
with various levels of malfunction. However, what the DPL can do to help
such teams is:
- work with the team to understand the team status (an external viewpoint
  is often every useful)
- help the team with communication, by ghost-writing or reviewing reports
- help the team advertise its needs (for recruitement, for example)
- share good practices from other teams
- ...


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