Guillem Jover <> writes:

> But as it stands I think I'm a bit conflicted here, on one hand the
> whole point of the GR is because I don't agree the TC should be
> _deciding_ on this, the project should, but on the other I acknowledge
> there's people that for whatever reason want to defer to the TC.

> So, because that's obviously the will of a part of the project, and
> because an amendment to the GR would be proposed most probably anyway, I
> guess I should just add an option deferring to the TC. Although ideally
> I think the scenario presented above would satisfy everyone, if the GR
> is going to be held anyway.

One way to think of this option is that it's the "further discussion"
option on the GR that you're considering, except more explicit about what
the implications are.

> Honestly, I don't see how that would get us anywhere. We already have
> <>. Adding something like this to a
> binding ruling affecting Debian, targeted at upstreams, seems a bit
> arrogant to me, because upstreams that have a strong opinion that might
> diverge from our ruling will unlikely change their mind.

Yes, exactly.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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