On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 08:32:41PM +0200, Francesca Ciceri wrote: > Dear Debian Developers, > > A recent discussion [1] on Debian Women mailing list made me realize that > the Debian Project, the community behind the *Universal* Operating > System, doesn't have a diversity statement. > The *technical* part of the project is already commited to diversity: we > don't accept (in our main repository) licenses which discriminate for > persons, groups or fields of endeavor (DFSG, points 5. and 6.). > IMO is time for a similar statement also for the *community* part of the > project. > > Below (between "----" lines) you'll find the the text to be voted. > There are just a couple of changes from the previous draft: > > * s/It doesn't matter/No matter/ : Luca Filipozzi kindly noticed (in a > private mail) that "It doesn't matter" has the feeling of "we don't > care" while "no matter" has a better feel. > > * corrected wrapping of last lines, thanks to Iustin Pop > > At the end of the mail, a couple of FAQ about the diversity statement, > raised during the debate on -project, which hopefully will be useful > for peole who didn't follow the (one-month long) thread. > > Thank you for your attention, > Francesca > > ----TEXT TO BE VOTED STARTS HERE---- > > The Debian Project welcomes and encourages participation by everyone. > > No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we > welcome you. We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they > interact constructively with our community. > > While much of the work for our project is technical in nature, we value > and encourage contributions from those with expertise in other areas, > and welcome them into our community. > > ----TEXT TO BE VOTED ENDS HERE----
Seconded, thanks a lot! iustin
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