Joey Hess <> writes:

> | 2010 |  886 | 44.648 |   459 |    436 |      88 | 49.210 |   9.76513 |
> If I count right, there are 112 Debian Maintainers not able to be represented
> in the above.
> I wonder if conducting a parallel vote of the DMs, for information only,
> would be worth doing next year? It would be interesting to
> see a) how many DMs care about being enfranchised enough to vote
> and 

I not sure that this would be a clear sign of enfranchisement, as I not
sure that I would vote in a vote I know serve mostly no purpose as often
as I vote when my vote as a real influence over the result of the vote.

> b) how closely their preferences match to those of the DDs.

I'm concern by the problem of legitimacy that could happen if one can
prove that the elected DPL would have not been elected if DM vote had
count. That say I'm not sure this is really a problem, but it worth


Rémi Vanicat

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