On Thu Mar 25 17:38, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> I don't like the underlying intuition that this entails, namely that the
> GR proposer is somehow "different" from the other people which
> contribute to the ballot preparation (e.g. seconders and proposers of
> the initial and subsequent amendments). With the current way of
> preparing ballots, all such contributors are equal. In fact, such
> equality is also reflected by the fact that some people also second
> amendments they won't vote for. This is quite nice as it highlights the
> principle that GRs are a way to take decisions---used when everything
> else fail---rather than an instrument to "win" in a specific "battle".
> (I'm not claiming you see GRs that way, I'm just explaining my bad
> feeling about this idea.)

That not withstanding, there is still a legitimate point here. What happens
when an amendment is proposed which has different majority requirements to the
others? What happens when the secretary and the proposer disagree about the
majority requirements?


Matthew Johnson

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