On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:56:17PM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
> #include <stdtimequestion.h>
> How much time do you currently devote to Debian?

That's hard to say. It varies.

Part of being a self-employed consultant is that you get to choose your
own hours (to some extent, of course). There are weeks, that I don't do
much for work and just do Debian work instead, while there are also
weeks that the reverse is true.

> How will that amount of time change for the DPL term? How will you
> balance your DPL time and time for other Debian activities.

I suspect I will have to spend some more time doing Debian work, some
less time watching movies (which I enjoy quite a lot), and /maybe/ have
some less billable hours, too. I don't think my business partner will
care much about that--he holds a SAS "gold" card (about the highest you
can get in their milage saving plan), virtue of him flying around the
world for his FreeBSD activities, so he better not :-)

The biometric identification system at the gates of the CIA headquarters
works because there's a guard with a large gun making sure no one is
trying to fool the system.

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