On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 01:22:06PM +0000, devo...@vote.debian.org wrote: > The winners are: > Option 2 "Invite the DAM to further discuss until vote or consensus, > leading to a new proposal."
which, aiui was the original resolution, namely: The Debian Project recognizes that many contributors to the project are not working withing established frameworks of Debian and thus are not provided by the project with as much help as might be possible, useful or required, nor opportunities to join the project. We thank Joerg Jaspert for exploring ideas on how to involve contributors more closely with and within the project so that they can get both recognition and the necessary tools to do their work. We realize that the proposal posted to the debian-devel-announce mailinglist is not yet finalized and may not have the support of a large part of our community. We invite the DAM and all thee contributors to further develop their ideas in close coordination with other members of the project, and to present a new and improved proposal on the project's mailinglists in the future. Significant changes should only be implemented after consensus within the project at large has been reached, or when decided by a general resolution. That the original resolution got to be choice 2 seems completely bizarre to me, but whatever. Looking through the actual votes, it seems somewhat reasonable to collect them into about seven groups: a) "consensus before implementation" - 191 votes (everyone who voted either or both option 1 or 2 above option 3 and FD, and didn't either option 1 or 2 below option 3) b) "implementation now seems good, but consensus is fine too" - 40 votes (everyone who voted option 3 highest, and either or both of options 1 or 2 above further discussion) c) "implement it now and stop talking about it" - 21 votes (everyone who voted option 3 highest, and both options 1 and 2 equal or below further discussion) d) "this vote/these options suck" - 13 votes (everyone who voted further discussion first) e) "consensus w/thanks, or implementation, but don't just delay" - 8 votes (everyone who put option 2, option 3, option 1) f) "consensus, or implement, but no thanks" - 2 votes (everyone who put option 1, then 3, then 2) g) "i abstain" - 2 votes (Robert Millan and Mark Hymers) The most common voting patterns were: 2143 - 53 votes (a) 1243 - 53 votes (a) 1342 - 17 votes (a) 3214 - 17 votes (b) 1132 - 12 votes (a) 2134 - 11 votes (a) 2314 - 10 votes (b) 2212 - 9 votes (c) (note "2212" above, includes equivalent votes like "--1-" and "4414", etc; the (a),(b),(c) reflects which group I categorised them into above) Of the various people involved in the topic, many voted in ways you (or at least I) mightn't expect. Seconds of the original (and winning) resolution: Remi Vanicat - didn't vote Luca Filipozzi - didn't vote Robert Millan - abstained Frans Pop - voted the amendment over the original resolution Jurij Smakov - voted the amendment over the original resolution Pierre Habouzit - voted the amendment over the original resolution Raphael Hertzog - voted the amendment over the original resolution Amaya Rodrigo Sastre - voted the amendment, then further discussion Nico Golde - voted the amendment, then further discussion Colin Tuckley - voted for implementation Interestingly Philipp Kern apparently seconded the original proposal twice, at #10 and #18... Anyway, counting him just once, that leaves 11 of the 21 people who proposed/seconded the original resolution voting it #1. The proposer/seconds of the two amendments ("postpone until vote/consensus" and "implement") were exactly the same, which presumably doesn't give much indication on what their intentions were. In the end: Lucas Nussbaum - voted to postpone Raphael Hertzog - voted to postpone Stefano Zacchiroli - voted to postpone Damyan Ivanov - voted for implementation Matthew Johnson - voted for implementation Margarita Manterola - voted the original proposal first Possibly interesting votes by various position holders (where "----" means "didn't vote", and going from www.d.o/intro/organization for who holds what positions): DPL: 4132 Steve McIntyre New-maintainer: --1- Christoph Berg (FD,DAM) ---- Michael Koch (FD) 123- Wouter Verhelst (FD) --12 Joerg Jaspert (DAM) ---- James Troup (keyring) ---- Jonathan McDowell (keyring) Debian maintainer keyring team: ---- Joey Hess 1342 Anthony Towns 1342 Anibal Monsalve Salazar Debian maintainer keyring team, additional commit access: --1- Christoph Berg (FD,DAM) --12 Joerg Jaspert (DAM) ---- James Troup (keyring) ---- Ryan Murray (ftpmaster) 2143 Marc Brockschmidt (ex-FD, in d-m Uploaders, not on www.do/intro/org) ftpmaster: ---- Ryan Murray --12 Joerg Jaspert ---- Thomas Viehmann (ass't) 4312 Kalle Kivimaa (ass't) 1112 Mark Hymers (ass't) ---- Frank Lichtenheld (ass't) Technical ctte: ---- Bdale Garbee (chair) 2143 Andreas Barth ---- Ian Jackson 1342 Steve Langasek ---- Manoj Srivastava 1342 Anthony Towns Secretary: ---- Manoj Srivastava 21-3 Neil McGovern (ass't, ran the vote) Lots of "didn't vote" in there; and three people with the same ordering as the final outcome: Andi Barth, Marc Brockshmidt and, hrm, Neil McGovern, who ran the vote. Interesting...! Cheers, aj
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