On 24/10/08 at 23:49 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
>  - Following the announcement of the 22nd of October on the 
> debian-devel-announce
>    mailing list (Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) about "Developer
>    Status";
>  - Given the importance of defining how the Project accepts new members;
>  - Because of the strong opposition to the method used to prepare, discuss and
>    decide the announced changes, and without judging on their validity;
> The Debian Project, by the way of a general resolution of its developpers, 
> decides:
>   The changes announced the 22nd of October on the debian-devel-announce
>   mailing list (Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) are suspended.
>   In accordance to the paragraph 4.2.2 of the constition, this suspension
>   takes immediately effect until a procedural vote decides if the supsension
>   is lifted until the vote of this general resolution.
> In addition, the developpers make the following statememt:
>   The delegates of the Project leader are asked to not take decisions that are
>   not consensual about the membership procedures of the Project, and to let
>   these procedures change by the way of a general resolution if no consensus
>   can be reached.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAkkB30QACgkQdYl1krr+x/LxZACdHidbXtPS91rrvoxBHz34reDq
> dlIAn2yYZ3VjC4Jmqw3NNEMOP7+Qovqc
> =eyP2


I'd like to add that I'm not opposed to changes in our membership
policy. But those changes could fundamentally change our project, and I
believe that it's important that there's a lot of discussion about it,
so we make sure that we take the right decision. We probably need
change, but we don't need any change. We shouldn't accept the first
proposal just because it changes things.

I'm also not confortable at all with a process where a single individual
posts his decision, we are allowed to suggest changes to amend it, and
then the same individual implements his decision. And this is not about
being personal. I deeply respect Joerg, usually support his choices, and
acknowledge that he did more grunt work for Debian than most of us.

I also hope that we will never vote on this GR, because Joerg will
publicly acknowledge that he probably was a bit too fast and he will
stop all work on this topic until either:
(A) consensus is reached ;
(B) or a vote decides how we want to change our procedures.
But until Joerg does, we need this GR, unfortunately.

Thank you,
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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