
on the #debian-newmaint there was just a (quite long) discussion started by
Enrico Zini who had the idea to fix the DAM by adding 2, 3 more people via a 
think that this would be a good idea. There were also discussions about several
(small) techincal problems, for example that if you have write access to the
LDAP that you can add yourself to the "adm" group aka DSA.

I would be happy if we could continue this discussion here on the mailinglist -
with constructive ideas.

My Idea would be to give Joerg Jaspert full access to the LDAP and to the
keyring, exactly as James Troup has now. He works as a DAM and approves the
applicants a last time for quite a long time now and I think that we could trust
him. Additionally I think there should be 2 more people added to the DAM which
will be able to DAM approve the applicants.

So, thanks for your answers already in advance.


  .''`.     Mario Iseli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 : :'  :    Debian GNU/Linux developer
 `. `'`
   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

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