Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > After that meeting [0], I'd assumed it was in Christoph and Marc's capable > hands,
... without ever *asking* if that would be true. I assumed this idea to be dead because last year's discussion on -newmaint showed that most DDs were against that proposal. > Some of them have had some progress including a bunch of accounts created > during the DPL election, but, some didn't, such as Peter Samuelson's DAM > processing, which I'd explicitly referred to as an example that should > have been trivial for the DAMs to process, as any problems should have > been resolved at AM stage since it was AMed by a FrontDesk member. Peter's > still in the DAM queue at the time of writing. As the background for that is private, it would have been nice to keep it out of this discussion. Anyway, the reason why this problem ended up in the DAMs hands is because *only* the DAMs were mailed with some doubts, not the AM. And that only after the AM report was done... Anyway, I'm really not going to tear apart the little bubble in which you have placed yourself - I simply don't see how this would help anyone. Now to the actual matter at hand. I had this discussion in IRC yesterday and it seems that I should explain my opinion about the GR a second time: [1] (i) You have added a policy for everything, but removal from the DM list is still under-defined. This is a crappy idea. Imagine a Sven Luther case in DM - someone who's technically capable and invests a lot of time, but leads to regular flamewars. There is no question that we would need to have some procedure to decide what should happen in such cases. Now, back to the Sven Luther example: Imagine how *that* flamewar would look if the procedure to kick him out would have been hand-crafted just for his case? So basically, I won't accept your proposal as remotely sane until the initial policy includes some guidelines on removals from the DM list. (ii) Debian has a QA problem. Sponsorship did nothing to improve it. In fact, I believe sponsorship to be one of the reasons for it. Let's explain this a bit: Sponsorship is one of the main factors that lead to the explosion of the number of packages in the archive. The growth in the number of packages is, in fact, much bigger than the growth in the number of users. This means that the number of users per package has fallen [2], directly translating to the fact that packages receive less testing before they are released. This is equivalent to bugs and packaging mistakes staying unnoticed for a longer time. This problem is almost exclusive to packages that are priority: optional|extra, ie packages likely to be maintained by newcomers to Debian. On the other hand, sponsorship is (besides the few cases were people only want to maintain a few packages and not invest more time in Debian) used as an education system. It's training people on the job, allowing them to understand policies and procedures when bugs are reported or their sponsor notices a problem while uploading. The shrinking user:pkg ratio has already shown it's effect: Packages of seldomly used, specialized software are often of low quality, ignore licensing problems and aren't integrated into the rest of the Debian system as tight as they could be. The ever-growing number of RC bugs in sid is a sign for that, a better sign is the number of unfixed important bugs [3] and there is always the simple test of taking 20 random packages from the archive and checking them for obvious packaging problems [4]. I'm also believing that sponsoring is not as good as it should be - people often sponsor software without doing the thorough checks that *should* be done. Now on to the actual matter: The proposed Debian Maintainers concept is splitted into two parts: (1) Someone needs to advocate a maintainer, some people need to decide if that maintainer should get added to the keyring and thus get upload permissions for all packages that carry him as Maintainer/Uploaders and have the DM-Upload-Allowed field set. Without spelling out how the approval by the DM keyring maintainers should happen, I guess most people are thinking about checking packages, looking at past work, bug handling, ... (2) As soon as someone is in the DM keyring, a DD can give him upload rights for virtually every package by adding the DM to the Uploaders field and adding the DM-Upload-Allowed field. This concept is completely ignoring the problems that sponsoring exposed - in fact, it makes these problems worse. The number of checks done by DDs is reduced to one examination of an initial set of packages by the DM keyring maintainers [5]. The set of packages that can be uploaded by the DM is something completely different - those are "only" checked by a random Debian Developer. Together with the low user:pkg ratio, my distrust in the abilities of the average and our experiences with sponsored packages, I believe that your DM proposal will be a future source of QA problem if it is implemented. [6] Before ending this mail, I would like to point out how frustrated I am that my concerns have been ignored until now (and probably will be ignored in the future). I have (once!) explained my position here on -vote [7]and got only a few answers, none of them actually refuting my arguments. The current policy on Debian lists seems to be that you are ignored unless you repeat your opinion as reply to every single mail in a thread. I'm too busy and simply don't care enough about Debian at the moment to present my opinion in that manner. Thanks for listening, Marc Footnotes: [1] BTW, I would like to thank the people (including buxy, who seems to try to get into the s3kr1t german cabal) to help me understand which part of my argumentation isn't obvious. [2] Yeah, I know that I ignore the fact that the number of packages per user isn't stable but has grown itself, but I believe it to be unimportant for this case. [3] RC bugs get listed and people interested only in the release and not in the package itself fix those bugs, while issues of lower priority stay unfixed [4] My last results for that were that 3/4 of the examined packages were - in my eyes - too bad to be included in the archive. [5] The current list for the keyring maints at least ensures that no sloppy sponsoring is getting through... [6] In fact, my original understanding of the whole idea was that a small set of DDs (like the proposed DM keyring maintainers) would check every package before a DM would be allowed to upload it on its own. I thought that to be something very, very positive, as it would ensure at least one thorough and proper check, instead of the current tradition of minimal checking done by sponsors. [7] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and a more verbose statement about my wish for clear removal procedures in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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