On 23.06.2007 14:43 schrieb Pierre Habouzit:

> DAM delays
> ~~~~~~~~~~
>   This part can IMHO be improved a lot as well. I _think_ DAM could
> decide to process applicants at given dates, in a predictable way. I
> mean, DAM could decide to process applicants every 2 or 3 months[0].
> That would give the NMs some deadlines, and this helps a lot with
> frustration.
>   Yes, I know we are volunteers, and that it's not acceptable to have
> requirements on _people_. Though I find it completely acceptable, and
> even sound to have requirements on our Core Teams. And their members are
> free to organize the team to cope with them how they want. And if the
> Team can't cope, then maybe it's that it's too small. And here is the
> second benefit of the method: it not only gives deadlines to the people
> waiting in the queue, it also helps detecting an overloaded team.

I agree.

> Upload rights
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   With those two previous points in place, I still think that DM has one
> idea right: give upload rights early. It's good because if NM is not a
> learning area for packaging stuff, before NM you never uploaded to
> Debian, and many NMs are quite frightened by their first upload ever.
> Having a smooth transition from the Sponsoree state to the full DD one,
> through a period where you are allowed to upload some of your packages
> with very lessoverview from your sponsor (but him still being aware and
> watching behind the scenes) IS excellent.
>   So I also think that the jetring idea has to be explored and
> implemented for those people, that have P&P right, until they are full
> DDs.

I agree here too. I'd rather see NMs getting upload rights after a
certain point in their NM career, than introducing the DM class.

After all, the arguments for the new DM class convince me more and more
that it's a bad idea to introduce them [1]. We should try to fix the
bottlenecks in our NM process and allow NMs to upload sooner. If someone
would write a GR proposal, I'd second it.

1. I can't understand why people want to maintain packages but don't
want to become DDs:
- Having to wait very long in the NM isn't an argument anymore once the
  sooner upload rights are enabled.
- If someone doesn't want to become a DD since he doesn't agree with our
  philosophical stuff, that I think he shouldn't be allowed to upload at
- If they don't want to become DD since they fear the extra
  responsibility, I still disagree since there aren't any new duties as
  a DD just a few more rights.



Bastian Venthur                                      http://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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