Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> The Debian Project endorses the concept of "Debian Maintainers" with
> limited access, and resolves to 

s/resolves to/resolves/ # "resolves to a new keyring will be created"?

> 1) A new keyring will be created, called the "Debian maintainers keyring".
>    It will be initially maintained in alioth subversion using the jetring
>    tool, with commit priveleges initially assigned to:

s/be initially maintained/initially be maintained/ # grr, adverb!

s/be.*, with/have/ # I don't think method should be specified that much.

s/priveleges/privileges/ # unless other countries spell it like that

>       * the Debian Account Managers (Joerg Jaspert, James Troup)
>       * the New-maintainer Front Desk (Christoph Berg, Marc Brockschmidt, 
>         Brian Nelson)
>       * the FTP masters (James Troup, Ryan Murray, Anthony Towns)
>       * the Debian Keyring maintenaners (James Troup, Michael Beattie)
>       * the Jetring developers (Joey Hess, Anthony Towns, Christoph Berg)

/Jetring/d # Why should they get those powers?

>    The team will be known as the Debian Maintainer Keyring team. Changes
>    to the team may be made by the DPL under the normal rules for
>    delegations.
>    The keyring will be packaged for Debian, and regularly uploaded
>    to unstable.

s/, and/ and/ # no , needed in front of and
s/regularly // # meaningless - specify frequency if required

> 2) The initial policy for an individual to be included in the keyring
>    will be:
>       * that the applicant acknowledges Debian's social contract, 

s/acknowledges/accepts/ # is this what is meant?

>         free software guidelines, and machine usage policies.

s/, free software guidelines,/ # part of the SC anyway

>       * that the applicant provides a valid gpg key, signed by a
>         Debian developer (and preferably connected to the web of
>         trust by multiple paths).
>       * that at least one Debian developer (preferable more) is willing


>         to advocate for the applicant's inclusion, in particular to the

s/advocate for/advocate/
s/to the fact// # not needed

>         fact that the applicant is technically competent and good to work
>         with.
>    All additions to the keyring will be publicly announced to the
>    debian-project list.
> 3) The initial policy for removals for the keyring will be under any of the
>    following circumstances:

s/under any of/to remove a maintainer in/ # above doesn't make sense to me

>       * the individual has become a Debian developer
>       * the individual has not annually reconfirmed their interest
>       * multiple Debian developers have requested the individual's
>         removal for non-spurious reasons; eg, due to problematic
>         uploads, unfixed bugs, or being unreasonably difficult to
>         work with.

s/the individual's// # not needed

s/non-spurious reasons.*work with/good reason, such as poor uploads, \
failing to fix bugs, going MIA or being banned from debian services./
# I think any "unreasonably difficult" should get banned elsewhere.

>       * the Debian Account Managers have requested the individual's
>         removal for any reason.

s/the individual's// # not needed

> 4) The initial policy for Debian developers who wish to advocate
>    a potential Debian maintainer will be:
>       * Developers should take care in who they choose to advocate,

s/in who/about who/

>         particularly if they have not successfully participated as an
>         Application Manager, or in other mentoring roles. Advocacy should
>         only come after seeing the individual working effectively within
>         Debian, both technically and socially.

s/Advocacy should.*technically and socially.//
# I don't really like this paragraph because it is not instructive, but
# the second sentance is bad advice IMO.  It is worse than the NM
# advice for advocates, suggesting it's OK to advocate a DM just because
# they can operate in our current somewhat dysfunctional social mix.

>       * Advocacy messages should be posted to debian-newmaint or
>         other relevant public mailing list, and a link to that mail
>         provided with the application.
>       * If a developer repeatedly advocates individuals who cause
>         problems and need to be removed, the Debian Maintainer Keyring
>         team may stop accepting advocacy from that developer. If the
>         advocacy appears to be malicious or particularly careless, the
>         Debian Account Managers may consider removing that developer
>         from the project.
> 5) The intial policy for the use of the Debian Maintainer keyring with the
>    Debian archive will be to accept uploads signed by a key in that keyring
>    provided:
>       * none of the uploaded packages are NEW
>       * the Maintainer: field of the uploaded .changes file matches the
>         key used (ie, maintainers may not sponsor uploads)

# That's not all being in Maintainer stops: co-maintenance?

>       * none of the packages are being taken over from other source packages
>       * the most recent version of the package uploaded to unstable
>         or experimental lists the uploader in the Maintainer: or Uploaders:
>         fields (ie, cannot NMU or hijack packages)
>       * the usual checks applied to uploads from Debian developers pass
> 6) The initial relationship to the existing new-maintainer (n-m) procedure
>    will be as an independent means of contributing to Debian. This means,
>    among other things, that:
>       * Applicants in the n-m queue may choose to apply to be a Debian
>         maintainer while finishing their application or waiting for
>         it to be accepted.
>       * Individuals may apply to the n-m process, and pass through it
>         without becoming a Debian maintainer at any point.
>       * Individuals may apply to become a Debian Maintainer without being
>         in the n-m queue, or having any intention of joining the n-m queue.
>       * Appication Managers may advocate their n-m applicants but
>         are not required to. They may decide to only advocate applicants
>         who have passed some (or all) of the T&S or P&P checks.
> 7) There is no initial policy or plans for use of the keyring outside
>    the archive. Individuals who wish to reuse the keyring for granting
>    access to services to some or all Debian Maintainers may do so
>    according to their own judgement, of course.
>    In particular, this means that Debian maintainers do not participate
>    in the general resolution procedure defined in the Debian constitution,
>    and cannot vote in Debian elections.
> ==== Debian Maintainers Proposal ====
> Seconds, comments or amendments appreciated.

In general, I think this is a useful step in the right direction
towards reforming NM into something that doesn't waste so much time.

I hope that you accept the above-suggested amendments and await the

My Opinion Only: see
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