On Sun, 2007-05-27 at 17:30 +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> By this resolution, the Debian Project resolves that :
> ===== START OF THE GR text =====
>   - No part of the Debian Infrastructure, is the sole province of a few select
>     Debian Developpers, but is under the responsability and ownership of the
>     project as a whole, and thus of each individual Debian Developper.
>   - The Debian Instrastructure, includes, but is not limited to, the different
>     Debian owned machines, the autobuilders, the archive, the mailing lists,
>     the different source repositories, hosted at alioth or somewhere else, the
>     core debian related projects at alioth or elsewhere, the mailing lists,
>     the irc channels, the different teams, ...
>   - As thus, no Debian Developper can be negated access of a ressource of the
>     Debian Infrastructure. It is acceptable, for security reasons, that not
>     every Debian Developper has access to some of these ressources, but if he
>     request such an access, he should obtain it in a timely fashion (no less
>     than two weeks).
> =====  END OF THE GR text  =====

I don't support this GR proposal because I want it to remain possible to
deny DD's access to some parts of Debian.

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