* Peter Samuelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [070512 09:44]:
> [Syd Alsobrook]
> > I have been a Sys Admin for just about ten years now.
> [...]
> Let me see if I can summarize your post.

[... delete ...]

> Did I get that about right?
> > I remember a time when Debian was like a family, maybe it is more so
> > now just a dysfunctional one.
> I hope not.  People who seek a work environment where everyone is "like
> a family" scare me a bit.  I want colleagues, not brothers and sisters.

some guys seem to miss the point: People want to feel better/more
at home/accepted/welcome in the debian ecosystem. And of course
it is not only possible but very desireable and even necessary in
the long run. lecturing people publicly about their own
shortcomings when they point out the necessity of change is
counter productive.

It might have been worse before. we might be doing not that bad.
but we can do better, and we must, if we dont want to a attract
verbal violence and abuse and create a athmosphere of "go away
until you accomplished something to establish your l33tness and
earn our non-hostility". Other projects managed to build a
friendly athmosphere and are doing quite well with that. we
might do better, too.

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