Le lundi 05 mars 2007 à 01:16 -0800, Steve Langasek a écrit :
> On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 10:25:24AM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > I hope you realize Sam's blog posts were one of the reasons why I was
> > able to keep up the time I spend on Debian. It is just so much better
> > when the work you are doing has a bit of fun.
> So you only find motivation in things that demotivate Andi?

When you are in a visible position in a group, you are also in the
position to be mocked, and it's something people should get used to. As
long as it is not always about the same people, I find it something
sane, which brings fun to the project - something we are terribly
missing currently.

Sure, it is less fun when you are the one mocked, but you get
compensation next time. And if my work needs criticism, I'd prefer to
see the it done in funny pictures rather than in stupid flamewars like
Greg Folkert's.

> Do we get to vote on which of you two we'd like to be demotivated?

Yes. Everything in Debian should be decided by vote. It is so efficient.

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