Aigars Mahinovs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * from the negative side we can see that Debian does not like money. In
> particular two things come to mind - Debian as a project should not pay
> people (any payments must be totally separate from Debian) and Debian
> does not necessary trust the paid developers (which was less of a
> concern this time).


Some DDs expressed those views and some candidates seem to be interpreting
this as a general debian money-hate or business-hate.   What evidence
is there that such views are either common or insurmountable?

As a consequence, I disagree with the conclusions at the moment.


I also think that the whole 'hats' concept is flawed in at least two ways.
(Help, I'm channelling LUGRadio...)

Firstly, several candidates have not worn any comparable hat AFAIK,
so how could I decide whether they would use a DPL hat wisely?  So, I
vote on how I expect that person would handle being the DPL.  I suspect
others vote for similar reasons and that's why people vote differently.
In at least two cases, this means I'm voting against people because of
bad stuff they did wearing other hats.

Secondly, I believe the world at large (and the press) does not
see imaginary hats clearly, because normal people don't behave very
differently depending on headwear.  Some use masks as an excuse to show
sides of their personality which they wouldn't usually show, but those
sides are still part of their personalities.

So, I would like to ask all candidates: what sides of your personality
will you try to show more or less if elected as DPL?

My Opinion Only: see
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