[ First of all, apologies for the delayed response; I'm catching up             
  after several days of FOSDEM-plague :-( ]

Hi Ana,

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 12:13:12AM +0100, Ana Guerrero wrote:
>Hi, here my questions:
>Why do you think you will be a good DPL?

As I've said in my platform, I've been involved in Debian for a long
time, have spent a long time working to help Debian in various ways,
and I believe I have some good ideas on how to help us improve in the
future. For the second year running, I have been pushed to stand by
lots of people who also believe I can do a good job.

>What you can for Debian as DPL that you can not do as a mere DD?

Work on improving the communications and culture within the
project. Those can be worked on separately, but the mandate of a
successful DPL campaign would be useful in helping towards those

>What do you think of the current NM process?

In the main, it's OK. However (platform again!), I'd like to see us
work together more on NM, both helping NMs integrate more into Debian
during the process and using their enthusiasm more to help us where we
need it. I also want us to work out exactly how various contributions
in Debian should be rewarded/recognised - that's a long-running issue
that nobody has really got to grips with yet.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?

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