On Friday 06 October 2006 14:42, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061006 10:00]:
> > I paste here the last instance of the draft proposal by the debian
> > kernel team [1]. Well, mostly me and Frederik, with direct input from
> > Manoj, and reflecting assorted comments from others, Steve and Anthony
> > being the most prominent ones.
> This draft seems ok to me, but the other draft that is just being called
> for vote is ok either.

I agree. I do not see that this version adds anything really significant 
over the proposal currently listed for vote_007 in the context of the Etch 
release. At least not significant enough to further delay a vote.

But then, I can not say that I have followed the discussion leading to this 
new version in detail.


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