FIRST CALL FOR VOTES FOR "DFSG #2 APPLIES TO ALL PROGRAMMATIC WORKS" ===== ==== === ===== === ==== == ======= == === ============ =====
Voting period starts 00:00:01 UTC on Sunday, 1st October, 2006 Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on Saturday, 14th October, 2006. The following ballot is for voting on a General Resolution to clarify the scope and applicability of item 2 of the Debian free software guidelines ( The vote is being conducted in accordance with the policy delineated in Section A, Standard Resolution Procedure, of the Debian Constitution. The details of the general resolution can be found at: You may see the constitution at For voting questions contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the GR and amendments, if any. The ballot does not claim to be complete rendition of the proposal(s), or even accurately depict the spirit of each proposal. Do not erase anything between the lines below and do not change the choice names. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 2. You may skip numbers. You may rank options equally (as long as all choices X you make fall in the range 1<= X <= 2). Make sure you have read the proposal in detail. To vote "no, no matter what" rank "Further discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or You may rank the "Further discussion" choice, and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. (Note: if the Further Discussion choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the Further discussion choice by the voting software). Then mail the ballot to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) (or encrypted) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 22fc4edd-1f6c-454f-b204-6aa0bad0ce1d [ ] Choice 1: DFSG #2 applies to all programmatic works [ ] Choice 2: Further discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEUdRewRBACQjnvNr+xfNiAv5sMgcpWXRuMNF5leWp/o3eXbIvGj0XoTe7fs OwHxoKOUu9YNmCSmB+yWF7cwfkBcGBX6KzsGSfINZ3pjiYvvaf4GrILUv4xV7O8D AcfCpZvT+/mrKRhgFAfnoDgvRsWLOPvEBCeg+EwJcYI9xMUd28EmO0oHswCgvfhP LpDqFdPuofiO2sP4fIiQIX0D/0jsqSmd/WJF/gbArmz26p+LJhlFNrcv2jR0pWaD b1X1amoIK1rvdtRaI6bYd84K2tDQIVNzJo6S9mZQ/6zW0JcnyxFLvH0LcO9QDQ6r KFv6itHFVbNYRAfaJT3IpkXQOTM7oxodR5z/VMgEnj7yKc8zuemFH8qcxyYvjIlm DGUOA/9kGwjdlsRN7atzPEVLXfjZCd2/R2X4hLNqDJm9VleJ1H5ySfk6svzqBVjN U+tEBgbIs4r1qETah/CftXuRkvrXr+CO5UatAARgEm9WImVyBcVyXmJumz4hfuYk sET1ru+y2nnibheGRmmY6wpcznC8x136wbjtJnNBCvKnLMCzQ7RJREZTRyAyIGNs YXJpZmljYXRpb24gdm90ZSAoRXBoZW1lcmFsIEtleSkgPGdyX2Rmc2cyXzIwMDZA dm90ZS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnPohmBBMRAgAmBQJFHUXsAhsDBQkAG6+ABgsJCAcDAgQV AggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQwGQqITlMS+PY+gCgoLTF9cfuH4lzFXpX7QCPEfGX FncAn0RF0PNtI6s7hCTRweCuXAdtxnE+iEYEEBECAAYFAkUdRqgACgkQIbrau78k QkzpcwCfZ53PDpWeM2DLoa1dXBBY4yw7wsUAoOztNRiIaHbJbm27BrWZLAyzXJhO uQINBEUdRgAQCAD6+DmcmSxyhyOqfgElh0I7mOqWb/0tADDmhVShAnwwZhO+0EEa 6CANZ/xx0a8zb6qZMYEzBdIzy1jkCqrsdVPAqDBwyKweG33BwvNVEiMk24A+uS+H njNQZh9cgMZcaSmzNTBpjoj/Eu0qI1kqmwV9FfJSAClGwE5NVLZLcLCpEjvWXgwO jme8GHRMPmdMCroTtUl+oK9xB3tN+oLD3kywSn23pWtYQ9djkZQBPET14lY+teX2 iY46wZB86pRkri8WyHAq+O3DJa/etgQPNdu30lLDI4EaTxsPaccRLxBEOybPOsGl om8tW8ZV6SFHGLSO/dDIqAbSmRf56Qz9zFfHAAURCADuIuOLlo3+stNZUGq5QFN1 AkJmHNuMirTHkCPeXQSHzmt0M8VzpKs9jf8GKHSrUQ1b0a4Voqh+AY6CAIHVxSVJ PorAOSFCzK3Noi7O/P9Fz0ierkR9SojaaPI8FqHPViMqOULcnEA1YAku226+Jp/h 5u93VMDsjaTZx10JX9NwuydVrchI6qzVw/3NDqaKjEYrsP0mAGRNkVF7ML2CuUb2 k+g7xI5MEwVShyW6PFUmkY5WRhACCc3koLTGmNiKDweCkKMJ7MoG/rg3RxAe8JCG eSaG+EXmw/zVSxJvM6jM64ekUgCSaSHzbOCuxlgEkQZGRht+nq7wqIlX/y2xs4ny iE8EGBECAA8FAkUdRgACGwwFCQAbr4AACgkQwGQqITlMS+N6+gCfdaXZaUL8q/XV B2tkFxw7fdBXN20An2ZmLpJknAHRBCKgc/69nQHUni7u =Iczm -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- arch-tag: 1c14135a-7b23-45f7-b0d5-78e68b24d4f8 -- Remember that there is an outside world to see and enjoy. Hans Liepmann Debian Project Secretary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C
Description: PGP signature