On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:05:32 -0700, Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> Proponents of various various amendments to the GR should feel free
>> to send me a couple of paragraphs in HTML markup to
>> introduce/explain the resolutions they are proposing. Feel free to
>> include external links to more extensice body of supporting
>> material in the paragraphs you send me, but please keep theese
>> paragraphs short and to the point.

> Here's a patch to include the rest of the resolution which I
> proposed.  [I don't believe it requires additional explanatory
> text.]

        Sorry, no can do. That is not the text that was proposed and
 seconded. The vote.d.o page is being changed to actually reflect the
 full text of the proposals. Any changes to the proposed and sponsired
 texts need a formal change request, and would reset the discussion

        Having been accused of abusing my powers of office, I am going
 to stop doing so forthwith and stick to the constitutional rules that
 govern my office. Also, in order not to wilfully violate the powers
 of my office, I am pulling in my horns and doing less, just in case
 taking initiative leads to more abuse of power.

If the rich could pay the poor to die for them, what a living the poor
could make!
Debian Project Secretary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.debian.org/%vote/>
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