Quoting Thomas Bushnell, BSG:
> > It's not a question of opposing the previous choice but it's fair to
> > leave a chance to those who have not voted the first time (me included)
> > to express their disagreeement.
> Hrm, I wonder, where was the part the first time that you didn't have
> that chance?
> > I have to say that when one needs to vote on a "change of a foundation
> > text", he needs to see a diff of the change and a set of rationale why
> > those changes were proposed. The absence of those elements directly led
> > to my decision to not vote... I've let people who had enough time to
> > have read the thread vote for me...
> Really?  Why didn't you bother to do it yourself?  Or vote against it?

There's something called "Real Life", I didn't have the time needed nor
did I have the motivation to follow such a long thread. I was hoping
that at the time when the ballot was sent, we would have something like
a resume of the discussions but we had nothing.

Thus I didn't vote. 

Raphaƫl Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
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