On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 01:50:31AM -0500, Debian Project Secretary wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi
>         Please refer to the following messages, in which a General
>  resolution was proposed, and seconded:
>              The Debian Project,
>              affirming its committment to principles of freeness for
>              all works it distributes,
>              but recognizing that changing the Social Contract today
>              would have grave consequences for the upcoming stable
>              release, a fact which does not serve our goals or the
>              interests of our users,

It seems the goal of this proposal is to have the Release Manager
reinstate the sarge-ignore status of some serious policy violations.

Unfortunately the above proposal is not seconded by Anthony Towns, 
nor I can find a statement from him on debian-vote on whether he would in
fact reinstate it if this GR was successful. 

Given the Release Manager decision after last vote was a surprise for most 
of us, It seems not unreasonnable to want a clear statement of Anthony
Towns before proceding further with this GR.

Reaching a more consensual position is certainly a laudable goal, but it
is difficult to do when one party do not want to participate in the
discussion, as happened during the last vote. This new GR would have been
appropriate as a ballot option for the previous vote.


Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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