Quoting Marc Haber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 10:50:35AM +0200, W. Borgert wrote:
> > Yes, we should have all legal stuff, like GRs, first translated in DDs
> > native languages first.  And checked by a certified, sworn translator.
> > Otherwise people like me are more or less excluded from democracy.
> Bullshit. I just wanted to point out another reason for not voting.

Of course, I totally exaggerated this!  But the point you made is true.
It is indeed difficult to understand the legal fine-print stuff - much
more than understanding manual pages.  I had technical English at the
university (long time ago), but not legal English.  It's easy to talk
about driver development, but difficult to ask for the way to the
station.  I don't really think that  translations are necessary, but it
is really necessary to *explain* the legal stuff to the nerds.

Cheers, WB

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