Anthony Towns wrote:
On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 04:11:36AM +0100, Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:

Well, that's nice, but it's not the question at issue. If we could replace
all the non-free software people might want to use with free software,
we'd be happy to. Our choice is to distribute non-free software, or
not. The free software we distribute isn't affected _at all_.

If there will be no more free software to package and no work to do with
current software packages and Debian itself, you will be abolutely
right. It is not the case.

Again, that is simply not the choice we have. If we had mind control rays
that could make people who were working on non-free software start working
on free software, great. But that's not what we've got. We've got people
who want to work on non-free software, whose work we can either accept,
or not.

I do not think that you or me have any control  rays or dictator power
over developers or non-developers. I think you have complete power
over what *you* are doing. I have control over what I am doing. I do not
think we should use mind control rays to be able to dictate everone to
distribute what we want them to distribute. Doesn't matter free or

You're welcome to keep ignoring this, especially since you don't seem
to be a contributor to Debian, but it really is a fundamental point.

Did I dictate you to drop non-free or to force everyone to distribute
non-free? I do not remember something like this.
Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

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