On 2004-01-22 20:15:11 +0000 Andrew M.A. Cater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I suggest two additional documents be drafted, each almost identical
to the DFSG. The DFDocG and the DFDataG (for the sake of example names).

You would also need to define the borders of their scope. In several long discussions on -legal, no supporter of different documentation guidelines was able to do that well, IIRC. I suggest that should be your first step.

A non-Debian layman would possibly say that "docs you can't modify
that are intended to be free for use are still OK to use" - thus:

A non-Debian layman may also say that "software you can't modify that are intended to be free for use are still OK to use" but that doesn't make it a good reason for debian to distribute it, IMO.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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