"Sergey V. Spiridonov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sergey V. Spiridonov wrote:
>> 2. I, myself, using my own hands distribute non-free software to
>> person 'B'. In this case I will suffer mostly[1] from my own
>> actions! Probably at this moment I will decide to cry "It's not me,
>> who put me in such a situation. It is an author of this program, who
>> does it. I want to help people.".
> After stopping to cry and observed that nothing is changed, I will
> start to think. I will understand that author have nothing to do with
> my own hands. Of course. This was the person 'B' who force me to do
> this! I said to him "Do not take it from me, this CD which I am giving
> to you!". I said to him: "You will suffer from this, NEVER EVER
> download this program from that url:
> ftp://www.higlyethicalandcleverperson.org/non-free/supper-driver.biz!";. But
> he does! That is his fault!

Well, the ocaml-doc license forbid me to redistribute a modified
version without prior authorization from upstream, so if I want to give
to B a modified version of ocaml-doc, I will make the modification,
ask upstream for the authorization and give it away, because I do know
upstream, And I know that they will agree to distribute the modified
version I will do. The might even ask me to give them the modification
so they could use it int the main package.

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