On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 03:36:56PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> > non-free is so tiny that whoever maintains it would only need one
> > machine, preferably with quite some bandwidth though (I don't know how
> > easy it would be to get mirrors for that)
> The issue is support.  Uptime, package integration, bugs and fixes, etc.

Uptime and infrastructure (including archive, BTS and perhaps PTS[1])
would be provided by the maintainer and/or sponsor of nonfree.org I
guess. The rest (package integration, bug fixes) will be done by the
package maintainer, should they decide to keep their non-free packages,
or whoever[2] adopts them.


[1] Anything else I forgot? An admin mailing-list might be alright, but
that's a no-brainer I guess.
[2] Obviously I cannot force policy, but having a GPG-key in the debian
keyring or at least an advocate with his signature on the key should be
the requirement for non-free package maintainers, IMHO

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