so, what exactly is in non-free?

some people expressed doubt about the claims i made regarding the actual
contents of non-free.  i said that very few packages were proprietary, that
almost all were 'almost-free' (aka 'semi-free').

since no-one else has bothered to answer this question, i did it myself.  a
classification of every non-free package that was in my debian mirror.  a total
of 273 packages, but only 259 packages had a 'copyright' file (odd, i thought
there were more...about 350 or so.  we must have got rid of a lot of non-free

the facts conclusively support my claims.  out of all the packages in non-free,
only 9 are binary-only/proprietary.  the rest are almost-free (actually, there
are a handful of mis-classified packages which seem to qualify as DFSG-free)

btw, note that 273 non-free packages is miniscule compared to the ~13,000
packages in main.  only 2% of the total package pool.  it's amazing what a huge
fuss is being made over such a tiny number of packages.

if you want to check the licenses yourself, email me and i can send you a 300KB
file containing just the copyright files.  it's too big to attach to a mailing

otherwise, make your own with this script (this will thrash the disks and take
ages to run):

--- ---
#! /bin/bash

mkdir -p /tmp/debian/non-free
cd /tmp/debian/non-free
mkdir -p packages

for F in $( find /debian/pool/non-free/ -name "*.deb") ; do
  B=$(basename $F | sed -e 's/_.*//')
  echo "$B"
  mkdir packages/$B
  dpkg-deb -x $F packages/$B

mkdir -p LICENSES

for C in $(find packages/ -name 'copyright'); do
  B=$(echo $C | sed -e 's/packages\///' -e 's/\/.*//') 
  echo "$B"
  /bin/cp -a $C LICENSES/$B.copyright
--- ---

i've made comments for each package, summarising how it deviates from the DFSG.
as i claimed in a previous message, the majority are because of no
sale/profit/commercial-distribution clauses.  the second most common are "no
distribution of modified versions" clauses.

i DID NOT exhaustively analyse each license.  i looked quickly at each one to
try to find out why it had been classified as non-free.  in some cases, that
means i may not have noted down all the reasons why a particular package is

there may or may not be mistakes in the lists.  while there are no errors that
i know of, i'm tired and it is possible that i may have made a few mistakes.
feel free to correct them.

i have separated the non-free packages into four main groups: 

1. "BINARY ONLY" -- binary only, proprietary stuff.  9 packages total (or 6 
on whether you count groups of packages individually or not).

2. "X3270" -- by my reading of the x3270 license, there's no reason why it
can't go in main.  the maintainer is being, IMO, overly cautious.  7 packages 

3. "POSSIBLE MISTAKES" -- other stuff that may belong in main or contrib.  9
packages total (or 7 depending on how you count them).

4. "ALMOST FREE" -- everything else.  234 packages.

i probably should have separated out the "no sale/profit/commercial use" ONLY
packages into a separate group.....but i've been working on this for hours and
i want it over and done with.  i'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

anyway, here are the lists.

eagle           binary only shareware.  free for non-profit use only - "If you
                earn money by using the Freeware version of EAGLE Light,
                you have to register it."

nvidia-glx      binary-only.  no modification, no reverse engineering.
nvidia-glx-dev  binary-only.  no modification, no reverse engineering.
nvidia-kernel-source    binary-only.  no modification, no reverse engineering.

rar             shareware.  40 days free use.  binary-only.  

unicorn         GPL, but with two binary-only object modules.
unicorn-source  GPL, but with two binary-only object modules.

upx-nrv         contains some binary-only, no source available code.

xtrkcad         binary-only. no separation of files. may not distribute
                xtrkcad.key file.

x3270           seems to be free.  IMO, maintainer is overly cautious about
3270-common     same as x3270.
c3270           same as x3270.
pr3287          same as x3270.
s3270           same as x3270.
tcl3270         same as x3270.
x3270-htmldoc   same as x3270.

edict           seems like it may be free. long & complicated license. strange
                requirement to make every effort to only distribute
                latest version. explicitly mentions personal use but
                does not prohibit non-personal use, in fact doesn't
                prohibit much at all. IMO, maintainer may be overly
                cautious about license...although i've only spent a few
                minutes looking at it.

edict-fpw       part GPL, part same as edict.

mmix-src        part GPL. part Donald Knuth license - modified files must be
                renamed and clearly identified. why is this in non-free?

mocka           BSD-style license with noxious advertising clause. why is this
                in non-free?

molphy          very simple license says it is "free software". fails to have
                an explicit clause allowing modification. clarification
                would be good, but IMO there is no compelling reason why
                this can't go in main.

mwavem          says license is GPL. why is this in non-free? does it contain
                binary-only driver or something??

sgb             modified files must be renamed and clearly identified.  why is 
this in

sl-modem-daemon looks like BSD-style license with noxious advertising clause.
                why is this in non-free?
sl-modem-source looks like BSD-style license with noxious advertising clause.
                why is this in non-free?

abc2mtex        may not be sold. no explicit permission to modify.
abs-guide       Open Publication License, plus restrictions on mofifications, 
restriction on print distribution.
abuse-sfx       license allows use only, no modification or use in derived 
agrep           no distribution for profit without express written permission.
album           may not be sold.
amiwm           non-commercial distribution.  strange terms for distribution of 
amoeba-data     free use & distribution, but no modification or re-use of data.
angband         educational, research and not-for-profit distribution only.
arabtex         only scientific, experimental and other strictly personal, 
non-commercial use if credit is given to author.
astrolog        no sale or profit.
axe             no commercial exploitation
bass            notification of author is required if used in a commercial 
product or service, otherwise BSD-style license.
bsdgames-nonfree        BSD with 3 extra clauses. first two require appropriate 
credit.  third says no trade, sale, personal gain or profit.
bulkmail        GPL, except "this program may not be used to send unsolicited 
commercial messages."
chntpw          noncommercial distribution only.
ckermit         no distribition by any commercial enterprise to its actual or 
potential customers, with explicit exception for free/open source operating 
cl-faq          no modification, no sale or commercial distribution. print or 
CD distribution requires copy sent to author.
cl-infix        no fee or compensation may be charged for use, copying, 
distribution or access.
clustalw-mpi    commercial redistribution requires a separate non-exclusive 
clustalw        commercial redistribution requires a separate non-exclusive 
clustalx        commercial redistribution requires a separate non-exclusive 
cmap-adobe-cns1 no modification allowed
cmap-adobe-gb1  no modification allowed
cmap-adobe-japan1       no modification allowed
cmap-adobe-japan2       no modification allowed
cmap-adobe-korea1       no modification allowed
conserver-client        seems to be free, license seems to be BSD-like with 
strongly emphasised credit clauses.
conserver-server        seems to be free, license seems to be BSD-like with 
strongly emphasised credit clauses.
crafty          no commercial distribution.  personal use only, restrictions on 
using the software in chess tournaments.  any changes MUST be made public.
csound-doc      confusing license...looks like it boils down to no commercial 
distribution or derivation.
cthugha         no use in commercial programs.  fractint-derived parts are 
shareware (postcard for personal use, $50 for commercial)
dgen            some parts of it do not allow commercial distribution, 
otherwise BSD-like license.
diablo-common   any commercial product based on it *MUST* have linux and 
FreeBSD versions available for substantially the same price.  Linux and FreeBSD 
versions MUST be kept up-to-date with versions for other platforms.
distributed-net-pproxy  non-existant license?  permission has been granted for 
debian to distribute.
distributed-net non-existant license?  permission has been granted for debian 
to distribute.
doc-html-w3     must include a link to the original W3C document.  no right to 
modify or create derivative works.
doc-linux-nonfree-html  various licenses, mostly failing to give explicit 
permission to modify, or explicitly prohibiting modification.  i didn't read 
them all.
doc-linux-nonfree-text  various licenses, mostly failing to give explicit 
permission to modify, or explicitly prohibiting modification.  i didn't read 
them all.
doc-rfc-0001-0999 no modification allowed
doc-rfc-1000-1999 no modification allowed
doc-rfc-2000-2999 no modification allowed
doc-rfc-3000-3999 no modification allowed
doc-rfc-experimental no modification allowed
doc-rfc-fyi-bcp   no modification allowed
doc-rfc-misc      no modification allowed
doc-rfc-old-std   no modification allowed
doc-rfc-std-proposed no modification allowed
doc-rfc-std       no modification allowed
doc-rfc           no modification allowed
doom-wad-shareware      license allows use only, no modification or use in 
derived works.
dqs               "NON-RESALE PURPOSES" only
dvipdfm-cjk-cmap  license is GPL....what is it doing in non-free?
ebook-dev-kde20   Open Publication License.
eemu-client     no charge beyond cost-recovery allowed for distribution.
eemu-server     no charge beyond cost-recovery allowed for distribution.
ezmlm-src       djb license.  no binary distribution.
festlex-oald    "may not be used for commercial purposes without specific prior 
written permission from the authors."
festvox-ellpc11k        "may not be used for commercial purposes without 
specific prior written permission from the authors."
figfonts-cjk    various licenses, contact the individual authors for details.
figfonts        various licenses, contact the individual authors for details.
foiltex         not to be sold for profit or commercially exploited
fractxtra       a collection of miscellaneous stuff by various authors.  no 
clear license, probably shouldn't even be in non-free.
gettyps         no monetary profit from the use or reproduction of this 
software.  may not be  not sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed.
gfont           license is GPL.  is this in non-free because it "Create GIFs 
rendered with TeX-available Fonts"?
ggobi           partly GPL/LGPL.  other parts strange AT&T open-source license: 
no compensation for distribution is the most obvious non-free clause.
giflib3g        license seems DFSG-free.  LZW patent issues.
gimp1.3-nonfree license seems DFSG-free.  LZW patent issues.
gliese          no redistribution of modified data files.
graphviz        strange AT&T license.  most obvious problem is that it requires 
grant of rights to AT&T for any changes.
grokking-the-gimp       Open Publication License.  no print distribution, no 
distribution of 'substantively modified' versions.
gs-aladdin      Aladdin Public License.  restricts sale.
gs-cjk-resource no modification allowed.
gsfonts-other   contains shareware "Kana" fonts by Kevin Hartig, plus some 
"freeware" fonts by Thomas Wolff which may not be sold.  all other fonts in the 
package appear to be free.
gsn-curses      no profit, no modification.
gsn-jigsaw      no profit, no modification.
gumshoe         no modification of data file.
hevea-doc       Free Document Dissemination Licence, "FDDL version 1": 
restrictions on the kind of modifications allowed.
hwb             "May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as 
appropriate."   no explicit right to modify.
hypre-doc       "Commercialization of this product is prohibited without 
notifying the Department of Energy (DOE) or Lawrence Livermore National 
Laboratory (LLNL)."
inform          no profit, no distribution of substantially different versions.
iozone3         "The author retains the exclusive right to publish derivative 
works based on this work, including, but not limited to, revised versions of 
this work"
irpas           free for non-commercial use and in free software projects.
jpeg2ps         not to be sold or bundled with commercial software
latex2html      part GPL.  other parts may not have fees charged for use, 
distribution, etc.
ldmud           "the source code may not be used in any way whatsoever for 
monetary gain."
lgrind          ambiguous request/demand that derivates only be distributed 
after consulting the author.
lha             "Binary only distribution is not allowed".  restrictions on 
"commercial" or "for-fee" (license translator is undecided) usage.
libapache-mod-fastcgi   may only be used for "implementing the FastCGI 
specification", i.e. restrictions on what derived works are allowed to do/be.
libforms-doc    license does not appear to allow distribution at all.  
debian/copyright file is inadequate.
libgpcl-dev     "You may not use this software, in whole or in part, in support 
of any commercial product without the express consent of the author."
libgpcl0        "You may not use this software, in whole or in part, in support 
of any commercial product without the express consent of the author."
libhypre-dev    "Commercialization of this product is prohibited without 
notifying the Department of Energy (DOE) or Lawrence Livermore National 
Laboratory (LLNL)."
libhypre1.6.0   "Commercialization of this product is prohibited without 
notifying the Department of Energy (DOE) or Lawrence Livermore National 
Laboratory (LLNL)."
libmail-bulkmail-perl   "The Mail::Bulkmail::Object component may only be 
distributed in conjunction with Mail::Bulkmail"
libmotif-dev    "This software is subject to an open license. It may only be 
used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open source 
libmotif3       "This software is subject to an open license. It may only be 
used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open source 
libparmetis-dev "It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by 
non-profit institutions and US government agencies only".  may not be sold or 
libparmetis3.0  "It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by 
non-profit institutions and US government agencies only".  may not be sold or 
libsrgpg1-dev   no incorporation into a commercial product.
libsrgpg1       incorporation into a commercial product.
lmbench-doc     GPL, but with restrictions on how you are allowed to distribute 
the output (no cheating, no profiting).
lmbench         GPL, but with restrictions on how you are allowed to distribute 
the output (no cheating, no profiting).
maelstrom       software is GPL.  artwork and sounds may not be distributed 
separately from the software.
moria           educational, research, and not-for-profit use only
motif-clients   "This software is subject to an open license. It may only be 
used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open source 
mpg123-esd      no modification.  for-profit use requires author to be 
contacted first.
mpg123-nas      no modification.  for-profit use requires author to be 
contacted first.
mpg123-oss-3dnow        no modification.  for-profit use requires author to be 
contacted first.
mpg123-oss-i486 no modification.  for-profit use requires author to be 
contacted first.
mpg123  no modification.  for-profit use requires author to be contacted first.
mpi-specs       seems free, except that there is no explicit grant of right to 
modify & redistribute.
mrouted         derivative works must be licensed royalty-free to STANFORD. 
STANFORD must be supplied with a copy of any derived works that are distributed 
to a third party.
mush            no distribution of modified versions.  "Distribution of sources 
containing adaptations of the SunView interface to XView or to any X11-based 
interface is expressly prohibited."
mysql-doc       no modification of the content, no printing except for personal 
ncompress       software appears to be free.  LZW patent issues.
netpbm-nonfree "no commercial use, no sale", one "LZW patent 
issue", several with no known license.
netperf         non-commercial purposes only.
newsgate        various & unclear.  internet-developed software from the dawn 
ages before we realised explicit licenses were needed.
nntpcache-dev-doc       registration and fees required for commercial & 
government use.
nntpcache       registration and fees required for commercial & government use.
nttcp   using/copying/modifying/distributing for any purpose except "making 
money" is allowed.
ocaml-book-en   no modification of the official content.  restrictions on 
commercial products (must be DFSG). 
ocaml-book-fr   no modification of the official content.  restrictions on 
commercial products (must be DFSG).
ocaml-doc       translation or derivative works must be approved by authors.  
onlisp-code     license unclear/non-existant.  permission granted to debian to 
onlisp-pdf      license unclear/non-existant.  permission granted to debian to 
onlisp-ps       license unclear/non-existant.  permission granted to debian to 
opustex         changes not allowed.  separation of file(s) not allowed.
os8             free for non-commercial purposes only.
parmetis-doc    "It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by 
non-profit institutions and US government agencies only".  may not be sold or 
parmetis-test   "It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by 
non-profit institutions and US government agencies only".  may not be sold or 
pcx     commercial re-use requires commercial license and fee.  CD-ROM and 
other vendors must notify Argonne National Laboratory.
pdp11-unix-v5   strange caldera license.  presumably non-free, but i don't have 
time to  figure out why/how.
pdp11-unix-v6   strange caldera license.  presumably non-free, but i don't have 
time to  figure out why/how.
pdp11-unix-v7   strange caldera license.  presumably non-free, but i don't have 
time to figure out why/how.
pgplot5         "education, academic research and non-commercial purposes" only.
php4-dbase      DBF portions have non-commercial use only clause, and 
prohibition of charging for distribution.
phylip          "Not to be sold so you cannot put it on a commercial CDROM".
picon-domains   permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-misc      permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-news      permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-unknown   permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-usenix    permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-users     permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
picon-weather   permission required for payment-based use or distribution.
pine-docs       non-commercial purposes
pine-tracker    public domain.  maybe it should be in contrib rather than 
povray-doc      severe restrictions on commercial/non-free distribution.
povray-misc     severe restrictions on commercial/non-free distribution.
povray          severe restrictions on commercial/non-free distribution.
prime-net       strange rules about EFF prize money.
ptex-jtex       may not be used for profit-making.  no commercial distribution.
qmail-src       djb license.  no distribution of modified versions.  no binary 
rancid-cgi      non-commerical purposes.
rancid-core     non-commerical purposes.
rancid-installer        non-commerical purposes.
rancid-util     non-commerical purposes.
revtex          not allowed to take money for distribution or use except for a 
nominal charge for copying, etc.
rpl             no modification, no sale for profit.
rtlinux         patent issues.
rutebook        hardcopy only for personal use.  no modification of content.
satan           no fee (other than "at-cost") can be charged for distribution.
sattrack-x11    educational, research and non-profit purposes.  no bundling 
with any product.
sattrack        educational, research and non-profit purposes.  no bundling 
with any product.
scilab          confusing, self-contradictory license.  seems free, but some 
contradictory clauses mention "non-commercial".
scsh            some included files have various non-free clauses, mostly to do 
with returning improvements to the authors.
selfhtml        no modification, restrictions on distribution and 
"republishing" (e.g. may not be published with nazi content or with child 
pornography or with religious fundamentalist content).  permission granted to 
debian to distribute.
serialmail-src  djb license.  no binary distribution.
shapetools-tutorial     contradictory stuff about charging for copies.  the 
tutorial may not be modified.
snes9x-common   non-commercial personal use only.
snes9x-fx       non-commercial personal use only.
snes9x-opengl   non-commercial personal use only.
snes9x-svga     non-commercial personal use only.
snes9x-x        non-commercial personal use only.
so-far          free distribution only.
spectrum-roms   no fee for distribution.  
spellcast-doc   derivative works may not be sold for profit without author's 
spellcast       derivative works may not be sold for profit without author's 
spim            personal use only.  no sale/distribution in conjunction with a 
commercial product.
t1-xfree86-nonfree      various fonts, various licenses...mostly no 
tads-dev        no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tads2-dev       no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tads2           no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tads3-dev       no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tads3-doc       no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tads3           no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tadsr           no fee for copying, limited right to modify (porting only).
tatctae         no modification.
tome            educational, research, and not for profit purposes
tracker         no clear license.  author requests but does not demand money or 
treetool        no clear license.  debian granted permission to distribute.
trn             no monetary profit.  it may not be sold, rented, traded or 
otherwise marketed.
trn4            no monetary profit.  it may not be sold, rented, traded or 
otherwise marketed (software bundlers are exempt as long as they include 
ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 redistribution seems to require notification of Wadalab 
ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 redistribution seems to require notification of Wadalab 
ttf-larabie-deco        restrictions on modifications.
ttf-larabie-straight    restrictions on modifications.
ttf-larabie-uncommon    restrictions on modifications.
ttf-xfree86-nonfree-syriac      various fonts, various licenses...mostly no 
ttf-xfree86-nonfree     various fonts, various licenses...mostly no 
tth             non-commercial purposes
ucbmpeg-play    non-commercial purposes.  some patent issues on MPEG software.
ucbmpeg non-commercial purposes.  some patent issues on MPEG software.
ucspi-tcp-src   djb license.  no binary distribution.
unrar           may not be used to recreate proprietary RAR compression 
uqm-content     may only be copied as part of a distribution of The Ur-Quan 
vrwave          no distribution of derivative works.  commercial use requires 
w3-recs-2002    must include a link to the original W3C document.  no right to 
modify or create derivative works.
w3-recs-200     must include a link to the original W3C document.  no right to 
modify or create derivative works.
w3-recs         must include a link to the original W3C document.  no right to 
modify or create derivative works.
wap-wml-tools   non-commercial activities only.  not to be sold or used to 
generate profit.
weather         free distribution only.
wip             "Distribution [...] requires formal notification to the WIP 
wwwcount        author must be notified if included in a book.  no binary-only 
distribution allowed (permission granted to debian and debian-derived gnu/linux 
xearth          non-commercial and not-for-profit purposes.  LZW patent issues.
xephem          personal non-profit and non-commercial purposes only.
xfonts-naga10   non-commercial, no changes.
xfractint       no re-use in commercial programs that produce fractal images.  
The source code for a modified version of Fractint may not be distributed.
xgobi-doc       may not be sold for profit.
xgobi           may not be sold for profit.
xmame           "If you sell it, you are a thief.".  restrictions on how it may 
be distributed. source may not be used in commercial products.
xpacman         simple license "This software may be freely copied and used, 
but no warranty is given".  no explicit right to modify.
xpdf-chinese-simplified no modification allowed.
xpdf-chinese-traditional        no modification allowed.
xpdf-japanese   no modification allowed.
xpdf-korean     no modification allowed.
xpostitplus     no commercial use.  no distribution of modified versions.  
based on an earlier work by a different author which is licensed without these 
restrictions.  IMO, validity of license is questionable.
xshodo          no commercial use, no profit.
xslideshow      no commercial distribution by itself (but bundling on CD is OK).
xsnow           no modification, except for porting.
yale            no modificaton.
zangband        educational, research, and not for profit purposes
zoo             derivative works must not violate the compatibility goals 
described in the manual. 


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