John Goerzen wrote: > On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 11:52:49PM -0500, Joe Nahmias wrote: > > been exceeded, in the (bit over) two weeks since the GR was proposed > > there haven't been enough seconds for it to be called to a vote. Here > > are the posts pertaining to the vote as I have followed them (please > > post corrections, the secretary has final discretion, etc...): > > Can you please repost the proposal, and modifications, or at least links > to them?
My post included both the Message-IDs and links to the messages in the archive. Is that not sufficient? > I am confused by all the different proposals and "possibly proposals > soon" proposals here, and am not quite certain just what it is that > could be seconded. Well, that's why I wrote the email: to lay out, as I see it, the official actions that have been taken in these threads. Again, if you feel a post that I have not listed constitutes an official action, please inform me so that I can correct my list. Since my original post a few more have been added. Following is the complete list as I have it (same disclaimer applies): 1) GR proposed by Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 2) GR seconded by Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 3) GR seconded by Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 4) GR modified by Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 5) GR modification seconded by Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 6) GR modification seconded by Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at <> 7) GR modification seconded by Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8) Original GR seconded by John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Unfortunately, I cannot provide URLs for the last two since the mailing-list archives are currently b0rked. So, the modified proposal (which ends with the sentence "Clause 5 of the social contract is repealed.") still needs two additional seconds to be formally introduced and have the discussion period officially start. Hope this helps, --Joe