I was not aware, until now, that there was going to be an IRC debate today (22:00 UTC IIRC). IMHO such an event should be sent to debian-devel-announce (Since many developers have limited the # of lists they have suscribed to).
On question: will the debate be published at vote.debian.org? Also, just for the record, here are some questions for the debate (which I wont be able to attend, unfortunately): [David, you already have them, I'm just reposting them since I didn't receive an ACK] 1.- Do you think that translators, people involved in i18n, and people involved in documentation-only work should be given maintainer status even though they are not going to maintain packages or infrastructure? How should the NM process be modified in order to provide for this? 2.- Do you believe Debian has to actively look for business partners in order to be "certified" as part of broader IT solutions? What kind of help will major companies get from Debian if you were DPL? (This is not a 'non-free' kind of question, BTW, it's a major caveat for companies to adopt Debian as a distribution of choice when the hardware vendors do not 'support' Debian as an operating system in their solutions) 3.- What do you believe the involvement of the Technical Comitee should be wrt fundamental differents in developers or major issues which hold back the development of the distribution as a whole? Do you view the Technical Comitee work as an active role (i.e. urging for things to be done or asking resources coming from the NM queue to cooperate in things lacking instead of making their pet projects) or as a passive role (i.e. endpoint of discussions between developers in the BTS when no agreement is reached) 4.- What is the number one thing you will take an active role as DPL to fix in the Debian distribution? (not the project) What actions would you take, if elected, to fix it? 5.- What is your standpoint in Debian vs. the others? In which areas do you think Debian should cooperate with other distributions? (save the LSB, think about GPLd software which is produced by commercial distributions, documentation...) 6.- What would you, as a DPL, do to help improve areas in which developers are not that much willing to contribute to and which are usually lacking? (for example: documentation) Regards Javi
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