
jose lorenzo wrote:
> A democratic voting system whose results are intended
> to be binding is a great concept, but whose problems
> are solved by this?
> It is assumed that people on the web are free to roam
> and move from one region to another at will. In real
> life, if I do not like a law that is passed in the
> region I live, I have little choice but to live with
> it.

I think one of the GNU Herds goals is supply to the community a sane site 
where there is not need to move out. Join communities no split. Members 
having to move out due to organisation issues is against it.  I think the 
main intention of the voting system is help members control the management 
team. It can be used too to get opinions about ideas, etc.

* binding vote
* opinion vote

> A voting system can provide a nice touch and maybe
> even a nice illusion. This is particularly a
> convinient way to gather information and opinions and
> possibly have these affect some group decision;
> however, this is not a model that will likely ever
> amount to much amongst a loose group of individuals
> that have little commitment to each other (to the
> group) -- individuals that most likely won't even
> trust any unfavorable results as there is no existance
> of one vote per one human that is trusted.

Let's analyse the Debian's community experience.

Will the GNU Herds Association be similar to The Debian community and so a 
duplication of that organisation?.  Reading we can see some of the vitally 
differences. We will not support the 2, 3 & 6 points, only the 1.

  2. Decision-making bodies and individuals
     Each decision in the Project is made
     by one or more of the following:
       1. The Developers, by way of General
          Resolution or an election;
       2. The Project Leader;
       3. The Technical Committee and/or
          its Chairman;
       6. The Project Secretary;

The trouble of using central servers

> The GNU.FREE voting system is not the solution to all
> voting problems any more than any system could be. In
> particular, there is a central point where the
> potential for abuse is great. This is fine (great)
> when this central point can be watched, controlled,
> audited, etc. properly; that is, when the voters have
> near complete trust that the the system in not being
> abused or hijacked at this central point.

> As if this wasn't enough reason (for me) to lose
> confidence, pulling off a great system with great
> results would in all likelihood lead to very little
> difference since those with power and with something
> to lose would go their own way and the minority (if it
> was a different group) would just go elsewhere as
> would have happened vote or no vote.

> The whole software issue is only a small piece of the
> whole picture and needs to be designed with the wholes
> in mind.

Using the 'Peer to Peer network' paradigm instead of the 'Central servers' 
each member can have a duplication of:

The web page

  Before:  DNS       -->  one IP
  After:   GNU Herds -->  a IP set

  The better IP will have greater followers.
  You could search for "GNU Herds" on google
  and locate ranking of GNU Herds web servers,
  the servers itself, etc.

The email lists

  Using the P2P idea, when a member send
  a message, it must go directly to each
  member email address, without the need of
  an email list server. The simplest, add
  to the BCC all the members email addresses.

The voting system

  About the host which are used to keep the
  member DB, the voting system, etc., I
  think that the system must be designed to
  be P2P based instead of a central server
  system.  All system in the P2P network get
  the same member DB, votes, etc. So you can
  not manipulate a system without being
  noted by the others duplicated 'servers'
  on the network.
  Any member can connect to the voting
  system and audit the voting process using
  her system 'copy'.
  Who fill the member data base?. The
  Secretary for example. When any member
  connect to the P2P system he can audit the
  new information (members, votes, ...) which
  his host is getting form the network.

The trouble of certificating identities

> Additionally, there has to be faith in the database
> information itself. Does John Doe Jr. really exist?
> Are maryX, peterpipper, 57-4-me, and tdozen4 really
> four separate individuals? How can I be sure?                               
The tendency in Internet is to use unique identities, using one or two email 
addresses (home & job). Maybe, the ( "Name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ) is easily 
associated to the same guy.  So, if a member claims to be "Peter" and 
collaborate with a set of FS projects, I think perhaps it could be easy to 
detect duplications. Any member can inspect the member list.

Of course it is possible some guys work with a lot of Internet identities. 
However I think that is not the usual way just today. So I think we could use 
'Internet identities' just now, and later (one year or ...), only if it is 
felt that it is needed, we could add *additional checks*, as countries does 
to its citizens, giving the trust about the *additional checks* to offices 
which certificate the people with photograph, fingerprint, etc.

> What opinions does anyone have of the following: to
> help draft (or find) a form of "certificate of
> identity" that can be useful in ensuring trust amongst
> the members that form a virtual (Internet) company. As
> an example, this certificate must have some personal
> information.

I think that just now the below is right to get an identity. A private-public 
key is bound to a set of email addresses.
  * email addresses
  * Name
  * List of FS contributions with references, etc.

We could add later actual offices on countries, cities in which we perform 
the additional checks certificating a member-ID with:
  * photograph
  * fingerprint
  * etc.
and checking it is unique around all the member data base. Maybe we will not 
have to do any assumption.


    Series of required proceedings to become a Debian developer.
    # Checklist - required steps for applicants
      * Step 1: Initial Contact
      * Step 2: Identity Verification
      * Step 5: Evaluation and Check-in

  Note from
    7.1. Powers
           The Secretary:
             Takes votes amongst the Developers,
             and determines the number and
             identity of Developers, ...


> Finally, there is at least one more issue, the idea
> that the results of the vote have to be meaningful to
> someone. Sure, an opinion vote is nice, but for our
> purposes, will the vote be binding? What if the
> "leaders" or anyone with something at stake simply
> decide not to honor the results...

You can update your own servers and compete with the others.  Bill, are you 


I think all this must be thought slowly. Lets wait several weeks up to people 
show her/his opinions.  Note that I have not read yet

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