[Andreas Tille - Fri,  9 Mar 2001 01:21:40 AM CST]
> On 8 Mar 2001, Acting Debian Project Secretary wrote:
> > NOTES:
> > 
> > [*] You must email your ballot from your debian.org email address.
> Hmmm, that might be the problem why my first E-Mail was rejected.
> But is this really necessary?  All my E-Mail addresses are assigned
> to the key inside the debian keyring.

Just set the 'From' header in your mail client to be from your debian.org
address (and also sign of course).  This is sufficient and is what
they meant.  No need for scp'ing your gpg keys anywhere.

An Thi-Nguyen Le
|There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.

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