On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Martin Schulze wrote:

> I guess it is acceptable to use GPG instead of PGP as written in the ballot?

Unless Raul has altered the vote system..

The vote system uses my mail gateway wrapper script which is used by the
db.debian.org mail gateways and others. It accepts any mail signed by a
key that GPG can parse (so PGP2 and OpenPGP keys). Further, it requires
that the key being used is in the official keyring, and listed at
db.debian.org. It also requires that your local clock is not more than 1
week off.

It will accept any given message exactly once. It records messages it has
seen before and rejects them if sent a second time. Each person gets 1
vote, no matter how many keys they have. The vote system allows you to
recast your ballot as many times as you like, and the mailgateway enforces
a strict ordering (so an attacker cannot resend an old ballot from you)

If you are uncertain about which PGP keys you have registered, please try

And it will send them to you. I think it is probably too late for anyone
to get a new key registered, so please vote with the keys you have.


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