Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > * Fish or cut bait with respect to non-free, and pass any constitutional > > amendments necessary to permit us to make that choice; > > this seems a bit more definite than your previous statements on this > topic.
Well. Do you want a project leader who doesn't care about the out-come of an general resoulution? I see the above as a statement that we should get the problem settled and then move on. Whatever Branden thinks is the _right_ solution is irrelevant for the question if he thinks that _a_ solution must be found in the next year. (I hope no matter whom gets to be the next project leader and what the out-come of a generel resolution is, that we could stop discussiong it at least for the next couple of releases. But that's probally another discussion) -- Free beer får det bedste frem i en pingvin.