On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 04:15:29PM +1100, Brian May wrote: > >>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes: > > Anthony> Hi guys, Some questions, which you might or might not > Anthony> like to answer.. > > I have a question I would like to ask too. Some people may think it is > not relevant to this mailing list, but I have seen complaints that not > enough is being done in this area by the project as a whole. > > * what release of Debian will come standard with IPv6 support? > woody+1? Woody+2? What goals (if any) should be set along the way?
Isn't that something for the release team and/or the IPv6 maintainers to decide? I don't think the DPL can affectively steer release goals, and honestly, I'm not sure he should. Also, until the spec and implementations are final, I don't see anything becoming "standard". Just from working with glibc, I know that the IPv6 implementation is not near a final stage (in the kernel or in glibc). Ben -- -----------=======-=-======-=========-----------=====------------=-=------ / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \ ` [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ' `---=========------=======-------------=-=-----=-===-======-------=--=---'