On 24-Oct-00, 05:19 (CDT), Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Darren, are you around?
> [I have the unpleasant duty of trying to step in your shoes, in the middle
> of the vote, if you're not.  I'm going to assume that it's reasonable
> to wait for slightly over a week to see if you're available.]

Except that the vote has supposedly ended, without ever producing a
clear ballot, or any response from the Secretary about side issues of

I'd really like to see this vote annulled. (No, I'm not sure the
constitution allows that, except by Branden's point that the vote should
not be taking place at all.)

To avoid the "expired" issue, I'd like to see John's GR and Anthony's
ammendment re-introduced with a minimum discussion period. At the end of
that, a new ballot that is reasonably clear about the choices should be

Steve Greenland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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