>>"Branden" == Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Branden> You typically order "doing nothing" over just about anything
 Branden> I've ever proposed or done, but I'm getting used to it.

        I did not mean to be insulting. But yes, that has,
 unfortunately, been true of most things in the past (apart from the
 DMUP effort, which died a quick death.

 Branden> Of course not.  To admit that the issues are distinct is to
 Branden> admit that you're engaging in a practice common among, for
 Branden> instance, U.S.  Congressional legislators: if you've got
 Branden> something that you or some Special Interest Group really
 Branden> wants passed but which you fear may not stand on its own
 Branden> merits, you tack it on as a rider to some other
 Branden> uncontroversial piece of legislation.

        May I remind you my proposal on -project preceded yours, and
 you added a rider on my proposal exactly as you say above? I at least
 offered my proposal as an alternative to yours, not as an added on

        On this at least I say you are absolutely wrong. If anyone can
 be accused of adding riders to a totally different proposal, it must
 be you, for your so called amendment to my proposal in -project. 

 Branden> The notion of "Foundational Documents" is completely new
 Branden> stuff without any hint of precedent within the Constitution.

        Ah yes. So it is. Are you against it for its novelty?

 Branden> Regardless of its merits (or lack thereof), it is in no
 Branden> sense conceptually related to the following diff:
 Branden> - issue
 Branden> + issue, modify, and withdraw

        There is a difference, but not to one who can only see iddues
 in terms of extremes. My stance is modify with caution. And this
 caution, embodies by the requirement for a supermajority, is not
 explicit in the naivbely simplistic ``cenceptual'' outline above. And
 the devil is in the details.

 Branden> If you're so certain that the Foundational Documents portion
 Branden> of your resolution will pass, then you have no reason to
 Branden> object to ballots for it and my resolution to be issued
 Branden> simultaneously.  If the Project Secretary and you agree, and
 Branden> you amend your proposal to omit the part already included in
 Branden> my proposal, perhaps we have a solution.

        You are the one blithely calling my proposal a superset. In
 which case, you should have no objections to letting my proposal be
 tried, and, it it passes, it fully subsumes yours, right?

        Our stances on this are different. Almost diametrically
 opposing, as people havce pointed out. Mere polemics can't hide that
 I always say beauty is only sin deep. Saki, "Reginald's Choir Treat"
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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