On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 10:54:49AM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> John Goerzen writes:
>  > 4. During the Secretary's absence, the Constitution specifies that the
>  > chairman of the Technical Committee should step up in his place.
>  > However, that person is Ian Jackson and he failed with this duty.  The
>  > Technical Committee have failed to replace him with someone more
>  > active in the Project.
> Did anyone actually call upon the Techincal Committee or its chair?
> It's possible that they dont' keep up with -private, and/or kill-filed
> the whole enormous flamewar...

So the Chairman of the Technical Committee needs to be nagged to perform
his duties?  He can't be expected to subscribe to debian-vote and notice
that weeks pass after a CFV and the Project Secretary still hasn't issued a

G. Branden Robinson             |
Debian GNU/Linux                |   Mob rule isn't any prettier just because
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   you call your mob a government.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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