Wait.  This is not true.  You are free to set up a mirror at
    ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/debian where non-free and contrib are left

The way things are set up at present, this wouldn't be enough to do
the job right.  We would also have to change some of the contents of
the distribution, in effect make our own modified version of Debian.
I sent a message last week explaining several reasons why I don't like
the idea of doing that.

I hope Debian will set up a way that we can recommend and distribute
the Official Debian system, entirely unchanged, without recommending
the non-free packages.  And preferably do it by recommending
an official Debian site to get it from.

People have already proposed an easy way to make an alternate web
site, and we've already discussed the changes in apt, so I think this
is not a hard thing to do.  It's just a matter of whether Debian wants
to do it.

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