On Jul 03, Raul Miller wrote:
> I'm seeing a variety of objections where people are assuming that
> the debian web pages will not tell people how to access the non-free
> distribution.

I believe the assumption is that this proposal will provide a
precedent and a pretext for such a change.  Eventually I suspect we're
going to have YAV on that idea (reasoning: either (a) Wichert will do
that and a number of people will request a vote by general resolution
to overturn it, or (b) Wichert won't do that and a number of people
will request a vote by general resolution to have the project do it).
Of course, if option 3 wins this vote, chances are we won't have to
bother with voting on a further shift in attitude towards non-free.

Personally, I'd like to see YAV on amending the project constitution
to require a 3:1 vote in favor of any substantive change to the social
contract and any substantive change to the DFSG, and implementing some
procedure for resolving whether a proposal actually contradicts the
social contract or DFSG (and therefore would be subject to the 3:1
barrier).  But I'm a picky constitutionalist. :-)

Actually, what I'd really like to see is a potato release sometime
this millenium instead of wasting time and energy proving our free
software manhood.

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