On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 02:24:54PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>   a) All general resolutions must start with an announcement to
>      debian-devel-announce and debian-devel, with foolow ups
>      redirected to -devel. 
No.  resolutions won't be tracked on -devel.  If I get cc'd, I'll end up
getting the whole flmefest dumped in my inbox because many people don't
bother to trip headers.  That's also unacceptable.  The propper place is
-devel-announce and -vote with follow ups to -vote.  If the person wants to
cc -devel also that's up to them but that's also cross posting as far as
*I* am concerned.  With this setup, people who want to follow voting topics
w/o subscribing to and wading through the -devel list can.

>   b) The announcement should be generally labeled as being general
>      resolutions, including, but not limited to, a subject tag, like
>      so: 
I thought [Proposal] was enough (to distinguish from [Amendment] but if you
prefer GENREAL RES instead, I can live with that.  It should be enough to
state that this proposal is a GR in the body, though.  Infact, you state a
liberal approach (no limited to I'd rather limit it to [P...] and [A...]
with GR mentioned in the body and be a little more strict about it.

>   c) The call for votes should be submitted to -devel and -vote, after
>      the discussion period is over and a final form of the resolution
>      is available, along with any amendments, etc, which have recieved
>      adequate number of seconds.
>   d) The call for votes should contain the full text of the proposed
>      resolution and amendments, along with the names of the proposer
>      and seconds.
Are you drawing a distinction between the CFV and the ballot?  The vote
doesn't happen automaticly.  The proposer or a sponsor has to Call for the
Vote and then I pass out the ballets...

>         The following are just proposals
>   e) We may create a virtual package so that we can use the BTS to
>      track the progress and status of the all current resolutions. The
>      initial proposal, any amendments, and the final form and ballot
>      should all be CC'd to the bug report (the intervening discussions
>      need not be).
I didn't like the Policy stuff going to the BTS, I object to GR stuff going
there, too.

>   f) Mandate a pre prosal, or require that there have been a period of
>      discussion prior to calling for a general resolution. Include a
>      rationale in the initial proposal that details when the
>      discussions were held, and why we think a resolution is required
That's what getting "enough" sponsors is supposed to do.  If the required 5
come automaticly, then maybe we should raise the minimum or do away with it
all together instead of adding another layer of preproposal.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
* http://benham.net/index.html        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           <><  *
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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *

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