On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 01:40:14AM -0500, Chris Lawrence wrote:
> Debian uses a single transferable voting method, in which developers
> rank their preferences.  Presumably your votes would be 1243 (in order
> of ballot position).
> Assuming "no further discussion" appears #1 on the least ballots, it
> is dropped and anyone who voted for it as their first preference gets
> reallocated to the second preference (i.e. someone voting 2341 will
> have their vote reallocated to option 1).  This iteration is repeated.
> So, assume we have the situation (assuming further discussion was
> dropped for now):
> 1 - 100 first place votes
> 2 -  80 first place votes
> 3 - 110 first place votes
> Option 2 gets dropped, and everyone who placed option 2 first has
> their votes reallocated based on their second preferences (or third
> preferences for people who voted x2x1, where x is don't care).
> Assuming people who supported 2 are more likely to support opt. 1 than
> opt. 3, opt. 1 will win.

Debian's counting method is more complicated than that :(  We use the
concord accounting system where an option gets a "point" if more people
prefer it to some other option... Debian only falls back to STV in case of
a tie.

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