On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 01:22:09AM -0800, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 02:19:28AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Since we still have a previous stable release, the six
> month release cycle means our current stable release will be released as
> the new release if necessary.  Including all possible updates that
> passed through testing, of course.

There are certain things that we simply cannot release without.  I presume
you have some sort of grand plan to ensure that all of these components are
operative at all times?

> >Please also elaborate on the conversations you've had with the release
> >team, the porter teams, the installer team, the CD team, the stable
> >release manager, and the security team that would warrant asserting
> >that you as a DPL would be able to commit the project to a 6-month
> >release cycle.
> I committed to working toward a six-month cycle.  As DPL, I have no
> desire to act unilaterally.

Oh, yeah, we've seen plenty of examples of that.

> Once a sufficient number of us are inspired with the right vision, things
> will just happen.  As DPL, my job is to inspire-with-vision.  And that is
> something I am good at.

You certainly seem to get people motivated.  I've never seen Debian
Developers as united as in some of the threads you've been involved in on
d-private.  The difficulty I see is that they were all united *against* you,
which I don't imagine would enhance a DPLs effectiveness.

> >>Whatever my other flaws, you can be guaranteed that I will always
> >>listen to what you have to say.
> >
> >Please explain how you reconcile this statement with the fact that I
> >have been assured by several people that you posted a copy of your IRC
> >client's config file, showing that you are ignoring all comments from
> >one of Debian's release managers.
> Since every comment you've made about me on IRC for the past three years
> has been nasty, rude, and unpleasant, I put you on /ignore.  But you

So we're not guaranteed that you will always listen to what we have to say,

> >>Complementing this, I am a gifted public speaker, pleasant, polite,
> >>and a keen listener. 
> >
> >Please explain how you reconcile this claim with this quote from you on
> >#debian-devel on irc.debian.org:
> >
> >><SirDibos> any woman wants another baby, I'll be happy to oblige.
> >>making babies is my specialty
> The jokes one makes among friends are considerably different from the
> restrained tones of one adopts in civilized company.

So why did you make a joke on #d-devel?  Do you honestly think that everyone
on #d-devel is your friend?

Perhaps you can clarify a few other comments you've made as to whether
they're jokes amongst friends, restrained tones, trolling, or something else:

"To the ladies: have you repaid your debt to your parents, ancestors, and
the human race by bearing lots of healthy children with good genes, and an
affluent, easy to get-along-with father?"

"perhaps you will show your lack of discrimination by mating with a

"If you want to hang out with the boys, that is fine, we are happy to have
you." and "All of the activities you mentioned are auxiliary, compared to
what the male Debian members do"

- Matt

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