* Graham Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040605 06:25]:
> On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 11:01:18AM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > I think that you also mean me with your mail. Perhaps you're right,
> > and it may be the best to drop both proposals F and G from the ballot.
> > I wouldn't stand in the way of dropping both proposals together from
> > the ballot, and vote about the remaining proposals now.

> By dropping proposal F from the ballot, we are dropping the only
> proposal that does not support releasing Sarge as is. We will not drop a
> proposal simply because you disagree with it.

But we should drop proposal G because simply because some other people
disagree? Or did I understand the latest mails wrong?

> Or is there some other
> reason you suggest dropping it?

Have you read Ians mail?

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