On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 06:06:27PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 06:10:28PM +0000, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> > I would go a step further and also ask how much Branden has achieved
> > of what he wrote in his platforms in the last years, and how much of
> > this has been done by others in the meantime (not necessarily DPLs).
> Rather than doing things which might be perceived as undermining your
> authority, or paying disrespect to the will of the electorate (despite
> the very close results), I decided to engage in a practical
> demonstration of how I would achieve greater openness, communication,
> and collaboration, by first applying these principles to my own work in
> maintaining XFree86 for Debian.
> I suspect the significance of this action was not at all lost on you,
> since without the benefit of having seen my platform, you wasted no time
> in your own dismissing this work as completely irrelevant:
>   Coordinating a project the size of Debian requires a very different set
>   of skills than maintaining a large package, such as glibc.[1]
> ...or XFree86, the reader is surely invited to infer.

In that case, I'd rather you didn't be DPL. The XSF is run as a
Branden-centric 'team', whereby if someone doesn't agree with you,
they're wrong. Where if someone slips up and gets a little
overenthusiastic, they get kicked out of the team briefly, others lose
their access, and #debian-devel's topic announces that the person has
hijacked the package in question. Where people get kicked out, seemingly
on a whim. WHere expectations of others that must be followed under
all circumstances, are not followed by yourself.

I was disillusioned with the XSF before I joined. When I joined, it
didn't get better. My actions were a last-straw attempt to try and force
two issues, which were quite successfully forced. I don't think your XSF
credentials reflect at all positively on your nomination: if you want to
get elected, you're best served by not mentioning that again.

Oh, and did I mention that issues we agreed upon on the phone, were
blatantly violated by yourself? You made a number of promises and
conciliations, then proceded to go back to slandering me on IRC, as per

I have no confidence in you, Branden. Not as a developer, not as a team
leader, and certainly not as a leader (I have more confidence in NOTA).

Daniel, disillusioned and disappoitned ex-'X Strike Force' member

PS: I'm not subscribed to -vote, please CC me on replies.

Daniel Stone                                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

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